What to do


Well-known member
For 1 of my projects I went and reacquired a set of speakers I was using for smaller dj stuff when I owned a pub. Had been left at my late father's... anywho, these things are Sony 3in/10in rated at 8 ohm, 200 watt a box. I'm debating IF I want to leave them as is inside some chitboard cabs or make something from cedar, pine or laminate really fancy wood over a lesser hard wood like poplar or swamp oak. I'm likely attaching this to the JLM 60w board and some tube based preamp like the sushi box boards 😁 any ideas or opinions?
Wood, like so many commodities these days, is super expensive. Collect some scrap plywood and with tenacity and time as your allies, go from something like this:


...to something like this:


Of course, you can alter the pattern into something like a chevron-cum-herringbone or ... experiment.



Lots more pattern ideas online.
Some nice ideas Feral. 1x8 pine(like 3/4x7.75 after the planer) 6ft/2meter piece at a local shop is only $10~15 and I still have all this flame maple veneer I just needed 2 pieces for a guitar top skin....

Maybe that diamond pattern thing and different anillin dyes per stick or stick cluster... :unsure:
While I love solid pine for my guitar amps, anything like hifi speakers kinda need to be made from boring materials to sound "right". The idea of the cabinet for a PA or hifi speaker is to not influence the sound at all. In a guitar amp I want it to influence the sound. The ideal hifi speaker cab would be 12" thick concrete! Not great for the bookshelf but great for allowing the speaker to sing with no colouration.

You could use some of the idea above if you attached them to the outside of the existing cabs. And the plywood concept might work if the sheets were thick enough. As long as the cab is rigid and everything is glued down tight you should be ok. But solid timber by itself would need to be thick and very tightly glued together.

Depending on where you intend to use the speakers you could cover them in wallpaper. There are some beautiful papers around these days. It would almost be like wrapping a present.
If it has rice and/or noodles in it, I'm usually somewhere nearby with a fork.
think a majority of my diet is that way...
Hamish, I said these were some HiFi stuff I'm converting/salvaging for use as amp receptors. the original receiver is long dead. I just got lucky to have these instead of dishing out for a similar pair of Celestions or Jensens. The current boxes are just to fribbin heavy to shove about when I clean.
I‘d leave them in their current cabinet and run the set up into the first, to see if they do okay for you. Hifi speakers are just different from guitar/bass speakers. If you like the way they work, then go for it.

For home built (ie, not using non wood based materI also) after solid wood, the general pecking order is bamboo plywood, Finnish ply (also called apple ply, Baltic ply, etc), shop grade birch or maple ply (no voids, all hardwood plies), then it gets a bit murkier. MDF can be made to work, if you brace the heck out of it. I’d probably pick that over general construction ply, unless you know about how well the ply was manufactured.