What would you use to sub a j201

This price seems too good to be true. You can roll the dice, but don't get discouraged if they turn out to be bogus
THEY WERE FAKE. They weren't even JFETS..... I reported them as counterfeit on eBay, even sent an email to the local detective's office. Got my refund....

The 100 that I got from Newark are real, but they're smd, no adapter. Bought 100 adapters from CE Dist and my hot air soldering gun will arrive Monday........
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As an update, I bought some of these and all the ones I tested were fake, BJTs according to my DCA75. It was a cheap experiment, but another data point for anyone else. He did offer to refund me if I shipped them back to China on my dime...
As an update, I bought some of these and all the ones I tested were fake, BJTs according to my DCA75. It was a cheap experiment, but another data point for anyone else. He did offer to refund me if I shipped them back to China on my dime...
All you have to do is go into the purchases section, and click on Return to Vendor, then click on Not as Described. At that point THEY have to pay the freight, and you get your money back. One thing to watch out for. If the vendor messages you, even to say "you're a horses arse" you have to respond, or an eBay bot will decide the 'dispute' in the vendor's favor. So just reply "you sent counterfeit items, refund my money." I've even reponded "hey I know the game, if I don't respond you don't have to refund me. So I will continue to respond to all of your messages, so you might as well save both of us some time AND GIVE ME MY DAMN MONEY BACK YOU THIEF"

If you want you can also send a screen shot of this:
