Box and All (tone job) treble/mids issue


New member
hi there! first post here. been getting some nice help on this over at diystompboxes, in progress with it but want to see if there are any other ideas about a fix.

i've built a unit combining several circuits to incorporate a spring tank into a mixer setup. it has the Box and All board on the fx return – during the testing phase for some reason the whole treble & mids section aren't functioning, but the rest of the circuit is working well. here are the schematics

my soldering has yet to be improved... so have taken in suggestion over at DIY to resolder R4, R5, R7, R8 and C3, C5, and C6. but still no improvement!

any ideas? it would appear that all the op-amp stages are currently functioning as signal passes all the way through, plus bass and volume are also active.

Just giving it one last shot in getting treble and mids working as well! below are photos with some rather messy under-heated solders, some of which has since been re-done as noted above.

many thanks!


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Just built a box and all and might be having the same issue. Level and bass seem to work, mids and treble not so much? Did you find a fix at all? I couldn't see any info on diystompboxes
Assuming all values are correct, it's most likely user error such as bad soldering somewhere. Check IC voltages. Also check whether R6 has continuity to the upper IC's pin 2. Maybe also post pictures of the backside
Does the pedal need to be powered on for that? I'll have to get them tomorrow morning for you.
I reckon that's what I've done as well, I need to remove it from the housing tomorrow to check it over again, if it is it's a crazy coincidence we have the same issue.
This is genuinely my first pedal. I have a little soldering experience but nearly no electrical knowledge so please bear with me.
Power to the pedal & with a DMM, set to DC Voltage & black probe to Ground at the top of the PCB & red probe to each pin & write down voltages.
Number 4 is Ground so you will get a near 0v reading.
Did you use Lead Free Solder?

Not sure about the solder, its not labelled and is in Chinese of course.
I've taken it apart, and have reflowed the resistors and capacitors in the upper right corner, and the pots now appear to be doing something, so I think from my side we can label this solved.
Not sure about the solder, its not labelled and is in Chinese of course.
I've taken it apart, and have reflowed the resistors and capacitors in the upper right corner, and the pots now appear to be doing something, so I think from my side we can label this solved.
This is good to hear.
Do you have a DMM???
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