Amp Storage


Well-known member
I have acquired 2 new amps recently that I don’t have space to keep in the house but I am able to store them in the garage.

I’ve heard mixed opinions on whether this is a good idea or not.

Would they get damaged through damp/mold issues with it being very cold? I was thinking I could store them with loads of packs of silica bead to try and prevent this.

Just wondered if any other have come across the same issue?
Air gets pretty dry once it gets really cold.

The rough time for unheated storage is when it's cold overnight, but gets warm during the day. The warm daytime air has the capacity to carry humidity, and when that air hits the stuff in your garage that's still cold from overnight you get condensation. Like a toilet tank that "sweats" in the summer because it's colder than the air.

This is why the tools in my garage are always getting rusty.

Are these cool amps? I could probably make some room if you want to store em over here...
I would say 100% unattended items will be ruined. Mice, birds, water, air moisture, heat, time will take them back. If you have no plans for them and no room why keep them?

If it is a short term issue , have you thought about air tight containers? Some plastic containers have seals on them.
Thanks all. I have one amp that is fitted in furniture in the living room (7w Bassbreaker) which has a Yamaha THR-10 on top of it.

I have picked up a few new amps recently. An AC15VR (not a huge fan of this. Sounds good as a 2nd amp when using wet/dry). This amp has a tube power amp and solid state preamp). A 18/30w Bassbreaker (my plan for this was to mod it make it a wet/dry 2/12). Both of these amps were cheap and are not sentimental so not too concerned about the risks of being stored in a garage. They would be probably played once a fortnight or so.

I have also acquired a deluxe reverb reissue (65). Obviously spending a bit more money on this means I’d be less keen on keeping it outdoor and might have to try and find some wardrobe space. I am probably going to get rid of the 18/30 bass breaker and AC15VR

Thanks all for the advice.
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