Abyss - no dry signal


I’m getting no dry signal in my mix. This is the same issue I ran into on my last build (ironically or maybe not) so I’ve checked the TL072 and socket and whatnot. Getting dry signal at R14 and pin 5
of the TL072. Get wet signal all the way through.

Anyone have ideas?

IC1.2 looks like a non inverting summing amp or mixer

As far as I understand it the two 100Ks R11 and 14 would give you equal wet and dry going in I can't see them to check the values double check they're both 100K

I'd also check the feedback resistor R12
Found my reel of "56k" 1/8w resistors. That's definitely what I put on the board. I'm not the best at reading the color lines but it certainly didn't add up when I tried. So I tested and they are all 12k. Someone in the sweatshop needs a beating for mislabeling these things I've wasted like 45 minutes of time on this!

Kidding aside, I'm going to swap that out and see if that does the trick......
So swapping R12 with an actual 56k didn't seem to do much. In fact now I seem to be getting some crackling coming through on the wet signal when I play with any sort of volume.

R11 and R14 are indeed 100k.

I can hear a signal on pins 1-2-3 / 5-6-7 on the TL072.
I don't think dry signal likes you haha gotta be something simple it usually always is

Turn intensity completely down and see what you get at pins 5,6 and 7
So I turned the intensity down and still get a good signal at all three of those pins.

Something occurred to me and I feel pretty dumb asking this whether I am right or wrong:

Should the Level serve more as a mix or a volume/boost for the already mixed signal? If I turn the level all the way down and can't hear anything, is that how it's intended to operate?

Per the user manual of the EQD version, unity is around 1 o'clock and that seems to be accurate with what I have here. Once you get to about 11 o'clock volume drops off very rapidly to nothing.
LDRs - I think your LDRs are supposed to face the yellow LED.

Level = Volume - Just finished an Abyss, and my Level works the same way you described. It's a total output volume pot, and turned down there's no signal.
Alrighty then, appreciate the confirmation. As I was typing that last post I kind of had a light bulb go off and realized I was being thick headed.

Dang, I had no idea about the LDRs. Guess I'm not done with this one yet.

Appreciate the assist!
Level is indeed the output volume, intensity would be the one to increase or decrease the wet effect

Turning it down and still getting a good signal would mean your dry signals ok

Gotta admit level used to throw me especially on delay pedals when I first started using effects hence I always label it mix these days