I had to try quite a few gain/leakage combinations before striking tone gold with this one. I have no idea if it sounds similar to the original circuit...
...but frankly I don't care because it sounds exactly like I want it to.
I put it in front of the Boneyard Compressor and it lit up. It cleans up nice and various guitar volume / level combos produce growl to grit.
I'll try to add some sound samples. I've been meaning to do that on these build reports anyway.
Tested with a Peak DCA55
Q1 - NKT275 = hFE 60 / Ic .096
Q2 = AC124S hFE 87 / Ic .169
This is my first attempt with any artwork, and definitely my first experience with acrylic paint. It was fun, but some refinement is sorely needed...
...maybe I'll label some control labels next? That's crazy talk.
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