Buzz Tone


Well-known member
Here's my (Selmer) Buzz Tone. I really like the look of the PCB with the two big caps and the 3 MP40s - it's like something about to take off and fly away. 😄

Interesting sounds with this one. The volts switch is very cool. I will probably try other transistors with a bit more gain.
As I "accidentally" bought a Höfner Buzz Tone PCB elsewhere, it might also be interesting to compare the two.

Heya there, I was just wondering if you would know how to implement the gain switch using this board ? I think it involves a 22uf capacitor.
Heya there, I was just wondering if you would know how to implement the gain switch using this board ? I think it involves a 22uf capacitor.
No, I don't, but I'm pretty sure somebody will help if you ask in the Modifications section.
Not sure how I missed this original post- it looks awesome.
I especially like her necklace and belly-button ring, and the PCB totally does look like a star ship!