Cosmic Electrovibe Mini


Active member
I finished this up the other day and am pretty happy with how it turned out.


The speckled paint job started as a mistake. I was clear coating the faceplate (it showed fingerprints really easily in the state I received it in) on a table too close to where I was spray painting another enclosure and it got red speckles on it - but it looked kind of cool, so I added yellow and blue speckles to it by holding the spray paint can far away (maybe 3 ft) when spraying. I remembered I had an extra black 125B enclosure, so I ran to get that and speckled it up too. I think the result looks pretty nice and fits the effect.

Built as spec'd there was a decent volume drop in chorus mode, so I replaced the 46kOhm R4 resistor with a 2.2MOhm resistor. I am not sure if it changed the sound a bit or not, but there is more volume on tap for sure and the pedal is above unity now. I also used my own popless relay bypass pcb and soft switch based off of the CODA effects design.

I want to mess around with different LDR's a bit. There are 9302's in my build right now, but at slow rates the movement of the effect is super subtle. Even at faster speeds it seems like the swirling is not even over a cycle - this could very much be how I am setting the bias and gain of the pedal though. I am finding it difficult to dial in an ideal setting since there are a lot of possible combinations with two different trims (gain & bias).

I also found that a plastic potentiometer cap can perfectly fit over the LDR/bulb section, so I spray painted one black and used it while dialing in the bias & gain trims. I will leave the cap on the assembled pedal too, even though it probably does not do much when the pedal is closed up.




This looks really nice! I had a question about the circuit: does the bypass LED pulse with the rate of the effect, or stay solid?
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