Curiosity - Tayda Enclosed Jacks?


Well-known member
I use Switchcraft style enclosed jacks with 3 terminals, Small Bear sells a Good quality clone that I use a lot in my Builds.
You can turn a Stereo jack into a Mono jack by pressing down the small locking tab at the Threaded end.
The Sleeve terminal slides out, 2 Terminal Mono Jack !!!
Switchcraft..jpg Terminals.jpg

Don't throw away, Solder together for Christmas decorations ie. A Star!
What you save on Decorations allows you to buy more pedal parts!

Looking at the Tayda Enclosed jack, This looks like it uses a similar design.
Can someone confirm if this is possible.
If so, say Goodbye to the ones not being used, Christmas decorations anyone!
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They're similar, but not exactly the same because they have 5 lugs.

4 of them are switching, so the metal insert doesn't look quite the same as yours.