Did I destroy this pad?


Accidentally got some solder in one of the TL072 holes, and in getting that solder out accidentally messed the pad up a bit, especially on one side. Just wondering if i've done too much damage?

Thanks for any help.
1713224516236.jpeg pcb hole 1.jpg
Next time, you could have just left it there and heat that pad when inserting your socket or ic. Having solder on more than one pad may not be ideal, but just one is manageable.

Hope it still works, it does not look too bad. (Edit, just saw your answer above, great)
basically a cheaper generic version of this that came with an old cheap iron, but i'll snag this one because mine is just alright. It was more the tip got caught on the pad because the skinnier one I had that could poke through is a little curved.
My desolder game changed greatly when I went from a smaller (but good, metal) solder-sucker to one that has huge volume (cheap plastic model, but it Hoovers harder than...
... an Electroluxe Vacuum).

Vacuums and solder-pumps — probably the only two things in the world you'd want them to totally suck.