Digitech Whammy V Volume Drop when switch is on


New member
Hi guys. I need a help troubleshooting my Whammy V.

When switch it on, the volume drops a lot. All effects works fine, but always with low volume output. Through bypass the volume is normal.

I took the pedal out my pedalboard, tried the original power supply, oppened it up, looked up for dry or broken soldering and still nothing.

Seems to be a very common problem on Whammy pedals, but I didn't find any info about it.

Have you seen this problem before?
is it the first pedal in your chain? Try it on its own. I’m not sure if that’s what you meant by “took the pedal out my pedalboard” but these kind of digital effects really want to be the first thing in your chain. It’s a digital pedal without a volume control, there are considerations especially due to it being a harmonizer as well (your harmony volume is lower)
is it the first pedal in your chain? Try it on its own. I’m not sure if that’s what you meant by “took the pedal out my pedalboard” but these kind of digital effects really want to be the first thing in your chain. It’s a digital pedal without a volume control, there are considerations especially due to it being a harmonizer as well (your harmony volume is lower)
Already tried alone outside my board (guitar>whammy>amp or DAW) and using the original power supply, and even using other 4 power supplies that I have. Same problem.
It had a normal volume before, I own this whammy since 2013/14. I also have one Ricochet and the difference of volume between them are huge!