Fuzz War V1 Question (Transister-related)…

What’s up with the fucking GIGANTIC solder pads for the pots and switch?
All that maneuverability and they still can’t get the PCB perfectly centered.

(Honestly what I find kinda funny is having two 24mm pots and one 16mm one but all the same value like do DBA not have an accountant who’s noticed the opportunity to streamline the BOM and save some money maybe)
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What’s up with the fucking GIGANTIC solder pads for the pots and switch?

My immediate thought was "That's going to fail", as the pots are just tacked in with a wee dollop of solder. Set your board down with a smack or stomp on the pedal roughly even just a few times and I can foresee the solder crackin'...

Oh, and why would you hire/want a board-designer or an accountant when the marketing team costs so much but does such a great job?
HamishR will have a stroke if he sees how crooked that board is.
Not gonna lie like just as a regular pedal buyer without any knowledge of what goes into making pedals, if I popped the back off of a pedal from a company that proudly claims “Every effect pedal we build features sturdy construction to survive even your loudest and most energetic live performances” and saw *that* whole deal inside, I’d have questions.

(and since you change the battery, or mess with the trimpot, clearly DBA was aware that people were gonna see their guts, and were totally cool with that.)