Guyatone Ultron Auto Wah

I remember when these first came out and Bootsy was endorsing them. Wanted one then, never did get one, would love to build one now if at all possible.



It had a sister pedal, a tremolo:

There's so much pedalia out there, across the decades, that I'm still finding plenty of new-to-me pedals — and each time I do I get super excited, especially when it's something that seems super fun — like the Ludwig guitar synth. After discovering that I was on the hunt, never did find one, but then I got excited all over again when Dead End FX came out with a clone-PCB.


I used to have more info on the Ultron (user-manual type stuff); what worries me for cloning it is the LED numerical display — makes me wonder what's under the hood and whether this one is truly DIY-able.

At any rate, your wish list thread has got me excited for this pedal all over again.

There's so much pedalia out there, across the decades, that I'm still finding plenty of new-to-me pedals — and each time I do I get super excited, especially when it's something that seems super fun — like the Ludwig guitar synth. After discovering that I was on the hunt, never did find one, but then I got excited all over again when Dead End FX came out with a clone-PCB.


I used to have more info on the Ultron (user-manual type stuff); what worries me for cloning it is the LED numerical display — makes me wonder what's under the hood and whether this one is truly DIY-able.

At any rate, your wish list thread has got me excited for this pedal all over again.

I kinda wanna do both the Phase II and their Synthi Hi-Fli clone at some point. My worry is that given the options we have these days, all that time and effort would be kinda wasted. I've not played either of those two, but the videos I've watched haven't ever really wowed me. They sound cool, and were awesome for their time, I'm sure. But, we can get those same sounds from much simpler (and smaller) builds these days.
I kinda wanna do both the Phase II and their Synthi Hi-Fli clone at some point. My worry is that given the options we have these days, all that time and effort would be kinda wasted. I've not played either of those two, but the videos I've watched haven't ever really wowed me. They sound cool, and were awesome for their time, I'm sure. But, we can get those same sounds from much simpler (and smaller) builds these days.
Those enormous projects are basically diy Mt. Everest. You don't climb pedal mountain to hang out on top all day. There's not anything you need up there. You just climb it and then show pictures of it on social media.