Hopefully you'll get through it all especially for your kids
I went through a nasty divorce 17 years ago and ended up losing everything
The only thing that kept me going was my boys, speaking to my sis made me realise they were in this situation through no fault of their own and as children didn't deserve having their world ripped apart because, well, they didn't do anything
The emotions you feel are comparative to someone close to you passing
Shock, disbelief, sadness and anger a downward curve, a different kind of anger obviously but eventually you will get back to some kind of normality and get back on the upward part of the curve
How ever bad it gets try to keep your children in mind no matter what age they are they'll always need you around
My ex lied about everything and tried to put my kids against me and succeeded to some extent but big sis came in again and said your kids know you, they're not stupid, give it time and they'll realise, which is exactly what happened
So although you can't see it right now things will get better
You're welcome to PM me, your situation sounds a lot like the one I was in
OK to your kliche it does sound like D3 is indeed the culprit
As already said you shouldn't get continuity across it, if you do its shorting internally and basically dumping all your power to ground hence why you'll get no voltage reading on the DC jack
You can of course confirm this by taking a voltage reading beyond D3 at C17 + or pin 1 if the charge pump etc