LED Installation Confirmation


Well-known member
I am building a project that doesn't have a"A" & "K,' or "+" & "-" for the LED pads on the PCB. It just says "LED" besides a round and a square pad. I want to confirm that he longer lead on the 5mm LED goes into he SQUARE pad. Yes?
Does this help?
In the case of pedal pcb projects alot of them have square being negative (short lead/cathode), but yeah since its aion you could use a multimeter to see which side goes to ground.
put it all together and do the LED last. put the LED in place without soldering it in and power it up to see if the LED comes on. if it does, it is oriented correctly. if it does not come on, try switching the orientation and try again.
Another way to tell the negative side - see how in the build doc and on the silkscreen on that board that there’s a flat side?

That corresponds to the flat side of the LED.
Hook everything up but the LED, put the LED in the holes WITHOUT soldering it and power it up. Depress the foot switch a few times, if the LED comes on it’s right, if not reverse the LED and try it again. When it’s right, remove power and solder it in. I do this every time because the orientation is different depending on where the board is coming from, and I’m too lazy to read the instructions!???