Missing Build Docs / Schematics

It really makes sense when you’ve got a backlog. At least for resistors, it’s not a big space issue.
Or if you’re planning a to have a back log of builds. I don’t know how many times I’ve just decided to build something and already had everything I needed. Pots are another story though. I’d love to be able to afford about 100 of each of the popular values.
There’s nothing special if you already have an inventory of standard components. Pots can be seen in my build report.

If you don’t have such inventory.. can I recommend rounding resistors and capacitors up to ten for your next purchase :)
Oh Noooo.. we're trying to get a schematic here.... Stop it :)
Low tide mini.... I'm sure it's workable out from the bigger low tide, but if you can stick something on it's page like "All caps need to be less than 5mm high and you need X connectors between the boards that would be super helpful!
How about the enclosure drilling template (pot and switch offsets) for the Jump Drive? I'm guessing it's the same as at least one other PedalPCB board...

Edit: also, what diodes? The PCB only says "GE". Which ones were found in the trace?
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Just ordered my mystery meat board. Any chance of a bom so I can get an order in for anything im missing (mainly wondering pots)
Figured but I’ve seen some a tad lower than half. Thought I’d check. But yes, half will get the pedal going for sure.
I'm assuming the J201 at the top left gets biased to 9v and the two at the bottom are around 4.5? Mine really sings at those settings but I could be wrong. The lowest I could bias the top left transistor was 6.4ish and it was sounding off.

Maybe someone else could chime in