Not sure exactly how I feel about this


Active member
found this listing on ebay:|tkp:Bk9SR6TY58u4Yw

seller is selling some 400 guiatr pedal schematics, I know they're not copyrighted or anything but they are the work of others that have allowed people to view them for free (at least modified ones or reverse engineered ones) is there any legality issue with what they're doing? I know its morally wrong, but I want to report the seller for this and am not sure exactly if they're breaking any rules. Ill probably report them either way just out of principle mind you.
I mean I get that lol, but is it just me or does what the ebay seller is doing seem wrong. Selling something thats easily attainable for free, which was the work of someone else, I dunno it just doesnt sit right with me I guess. Either way I got lucky and according to ebays policy compiled media and information is to be listed under their Everything Else category. The sellers listing was under music category.
I mean I get that lol, but is it just me or does what the ebay seller is doing seem wrong. Selling something thats easily attainable for free, which was the work of someone else, I dunno it just doesnt sit right with me I guess. Either way I got lucky and according to ebays policy compiled media and information is to be listed under their Everything Else category. The sellers listing was under music category.
people will try and sell anything for a crust.

who cares, move on, there’s much worse.

cunts were selling big monkeys for $500 almost a year ago.
Circuits can't be copyrighted, but full build docs absolutely can. It's funny that he shows a Tonepad build doc in the listing, because Tonepad build docs generally say "Layout and presentation by Francisco Peña 2001-2005©. All rights reserved. Authorization for personal use only, any commercial use is forbidden." Selling a copyrighted document without the copyright owner's permission is illegal.

I haven't looked over all the ones he's selling there, but the first one to jump out at me was the Black Finger compressor. After tracing an original unit I confirmed that every Black Finger schematic currently posted online is incorrect, which leads me to believe that the seller is selling stuff he gathered online "as-is" without verifying them.

Legally shady, ethically shitty.
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Man this is a gray area for me, Is dude a shit head? Absolutely….cash grabs from the willfully ignorant by the morally bankrupt is nothing new. I personally blame both parties for this sort of behavior. Nothing that couldn’t be curtailed by a little honesty and doing one’s homework.
If the schematics are cleaned up and redrawn by the guy I see no problem with it... Sams Photofact made a career out of doing just that.

If he's just grabbing other folks images off the net and selling them as a bundle, that's a whole different story...

And if they aren't verified schematics that's just all around wrong.
Different perspective…. How long would it take someone to source all of the different schematics, copy and save them to a folder then index them?
how much do you get paid by your “day job” for the same number of man-hours?

Lots of variables here so I can’t really judge either way.
The same could be said about selling my MP3 and movie collection... I spend years downloading all of those files.

That don't mean I can sell em, regardless of how much time it would save you.
I guess that would depend on how many are considered “public domain” vs copyrighted material?
Are schematics protected under the same laws as movies and media?
There are some things that are black and white and many more fall under gray areas.

All I know is, I don’t know too many people who would be willing to pay for either… those of us who would want schematics is because most of us are too cheap to pay for the real thing, so we sure as hell ain’t paying for schematics that we can likely find for free, with PCB (or layouts) etc!
"Why pay US$ 200.00 if you can by the pedals parts and pay only US$ 20.00?"

RV-3 Digital Reverb - Delay.pdf

Somehow I think it's going to be a little more complicated than that. :unsure:
Schematics can't be copyrighted, but full build docs absolutely can.

This is at odds with I've always heard. Namely, schematics are copyrighted as an image (not as a circuit design) and protected by copyright laws. Redrawing schematics is completely permissible and that redraw becomes a copyright of the drawer. And, best to avoid making it a 100% perfect copy.