Paragon 50% Working -No voltage to diodes


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just finishing up my 2nd attempt at the paragon. 1st was a mess.

Half the pedal is working. The Left / Boost / Yellow side is working perfectly.

The Right / Overdrive / Red side is not. LED is working on that side. When that side is engaged all signal is lost essential muting any sound.

Bypass is working fine.

used my multimeter and discover that the clipping diodes on one side are not getting any voltage. (The four diodes in question are circled in yellow on the attachment). Is this the causes of my problem?

what’s my best next steps?

note the two diodes on the right of those four ARE getting voltage.

I agree with Nostra, first thing I saw was possible cold solder joints on that left footswitch, Since you haven't got any pictures of the solder side of your board we have to suggest the issue may be your soldering. Go back and check under magnification & good light all of your solder joint. Reflow any that look off, you may find it works after that. If not a picture of the solder side will help us help you. Majority of these issues are wrong component value or a cold solder joint. Once you have thoroughly checked components & solder work let us know.