Question on The Gent Overdrive


Well-known member
Hello all,
I just finished building the Gent Overdrive pedal and I absolutely love it. The only thing I noticed is with the On/Off/On switch, when the pedal is engaged, in the off position of the SPDT it boosts volume significantly over the 2 fail options.

Looking at the schematic, it seems like the switch controls which diodes are engaged (the 1N or the BAT diodes). So I was expecting the off position to be true bypass.

Am I looking at the schematic wrong or is the volume boost intentional?

As an aside, I highly recommend anyone looking for that real nice Vox sound to try this pedal.
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This is by design.

The clipping diodes limit the output signal at their forward voltage threshold. In the middle position there are no diodes in the circuit, so no clipping, and as a result a much stronger output signal.
This is by design.

The clipping diodes limit the output signal at their forward voltage threshold. In the middle position there are no diodes in the circuit, so no clipping, and as a result a much stronger output signal.
Thanks. That's what I thought when looking at the schematic, but wanted to confirm since I'm still learning (also why I put it in the general questions rather than trouble shooting because I didn't think it was an issue).

Again, this thing sounds amazing and everyone should have it in their lineup.