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Burt Monro, what a legend! And Anthony Hopkins did another lifetime performance in playing him in (including capturing the South Island accent) "The world's fastest Indian", look at the likeness compared to original photo, haha! Highly recommended movie to anyone who hasn't seen it.
@Chuck D. Bones the guy who plays the Invercargill mayor in the movie was actually really the Invercargill mayor at the time of filming, and a very fitting character for that sidekick role as well. His name is Tim Shadbolt, another whacky NZ character haha...
I've always preferred Split Enz to Crowded House, the Finn Bros were edgier in that iteration of song-writing.
I still like CH, but...

While we're on the topic — In addition to giving us all Cooder and Mr Munro, and disposable hypodermics, Beef Wellington, instant coffee (this may not have been a gift), the eggbeater, jet-boats, atom-splitters, ref's whistling, McLarens, the Britten V1000, jet-packs and a bunch of other wondrous things...

👁️❤️‍🔥🇳🇿, it gave me...
  • one of my greatest friends, Chris (now somewheres in Alaska),
  • Whittaker's Peanut Slab, and some of my favourite soft black liquorice
  • some of the best MTBing and most funnest snowboardering I've ever enmountered,
  • a home in Wellington to an old long-time close-Canadian-friend and his fambily,
  • Crowther Effects, pretty durned cool circuits from Split Enz's Mental Notes drummer!
  • my lovely Red Witch pedals, Zeus and Factotum,
  • @szukalski's sheep-dipped humour, and his PCBs,
  • an introduction to Kumara chips and how they go so well with a fine ale,
  • the greasiest sweetest most stomach-tchurning... Deep-Fried Morrows... (there's a bigger story behind this one),
  • courage/stupidity to throw myself off a perfectly good bridge with nothing but a rubber-band around my ankles to stop me from dying
  • aend the BLONDINI GANG hedding f' Invercargill, in ohne of th' BEHST CAHR-FIHLMs EVEH, bar nun, certainly the funniest, and possibly my all-time favourite.


Goodbye Pork Pie

Rembembererrer kiddles, don't whizz on the Kiwi-invented 'lectric fence!
