Recommend me a pedal to sound like Tool

depends what your nephew is already working with.
what's his rig?

does he use an amp?
an audio interface direct to DAW and computer speakers?
I've done a bit of research on Adam Jones' rig in the past, and he uses a combination of 3 amps (2x Diezel VH4 and a Marshall) to get his sound.

There's a fun diagram here:

Based on that, if I had to make a single pedal recommendation: There is a pedal version of the Diezel VH4's third channel preamp, and PPCB sells a PCB of it as the "Valhalla Distortion" (AionFX has it too, as "DZ4 Preamp")
Tool were a band I thought I’d never get to see again due to COVID. I was crying inside when I saw them last year.

They used to start and end their world tours in NZ and it was great to see them twice in a tour.

Anyway. Valhalla.
If you’re looking for the amp tone, I also suggest the Valhalla. The MIAB pedals just don’t quite cut it for TOOL tone in my opinion. Add in a Byzantium or mbp fraudhacker for the modulation sounds or you could even get away with a cepheid chorus. Delay tone is pretty straightforward. Just about any three knob delay with 500ms of delay time or better will do. Adam used a boss DD-3 pretty much his whole career but has been spotted with carbon copy deluxe lately as well if you want to get specific.
So I snagged a Valhalla board after reading this thread and just finished building it tonight. Holy moly do I love this circuit! I play mostly funk, blues, and jazz. Even though this is an extreme distortion circuit it sounds incredible and I'm super happy with it. Really appreciate the recommendation here a ton!