Sheepylove FigBuster

Laundryroom David

Keyboard Cowboy 🤠
Build Rating
5.00 star(s)
There’s this fella named Dave. No, the other one. Yeah, him. He made this ridiculously flexible dirtbox called the FigBuster. I, a David*, grabbed his gerbers and bought some boards from JLCPCB.

* I’ve tried to be a Dave. Can’t pull it off. I am squarely a David.

This really is a great pedal. It has a range of sounds from boost to near-glitchy mayhem. And it sounds damn fine going from one extreme to the other and at all points I’ve tried in between.

Build per silkscreen. Easy assembly thanks to a thoughtful board layout. No surprises and it fired up on the first try.

Now about the LED. I wired it the way I wired it for 2 reasons: (1) I hate LEDs that stare right at me. I need ‘em on an angle. (2) I’m out of LED housings and needed the wires to hold the LED in place. It ain’t pretty but it works.

B-stock knobs from my last LMS haul, enclosure spent some quality time with sanding pads, a faucet and me. Purple sharpie because I’m me.

White washer, bitches.

This pedal is too good to pass up. Grab those gerbers and GO BUILD SOMETHING! I mean, GO BUILD ONE OF THESE!

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Nice build and I like the look of it overall (except for the white washer).

Just imagine how much nicer it would look with a metal washer!

I hate LEDs that stare right at me. I need ‘em on an angle.
FWIW scrubbing the surface with a sandpaper (250 grit or so) works wonders for the "blind you from directly ahead" effect, but it does take a minute or two to make sure there are no holes in the rough surface.