SOLVED Slide switch confusion on AionFX Lithium PCB


I ordered this switch based on the part number listed on AionFX's PDF. Come to find out, it's a SPDT switch instead of a DPDT (also listed on their PDF). Which is correct (see pic). Also, I only need the MN3007 version of the pedal so the switches function isn't necessary. Can I just bypass it, and if so, how would I do that? Thanks for any info you can provide!

The switch appears to be the correct one. It looks like a DPDT with 6 pins, but it's actually just an SPDT with the pins of each side connected. See the datasheet:


Here's the switch in the Lithium schematic, confirming it's really just an SPDT but like, twice, or something. I don't know :D The switch is probably designed that way simply because on 3 pins alone it would be too flimsy.

Thanks for all the feedback. Saw the note in the build docs, but I finished it up and it's not working properly. Pedal turns on and I get sound, but no effect. Thought omitting the switch might have been the issue, but guess not. I tried reflowing all joints and checking for shorts, but still, not working 🤷.