Sproing Deluxe Tremolo Issues

I just finished wiring up (not boxed yet) the Sproing Deluxe circuit. Reverb side sounds great! However, when I engage the tremolo side, there is a noticeable drop in dB and little to no perceived LFO (or trem effect). I looked at the circuit posted by another successful builder, and the only difference I can see if the LDR. The one he had success with is 650nm, and ranges from 10-20k ohm. The component I have is a GL5516 and has 540nm spectral peak and 5-10k ohm light resistance. I know less than nothing about LFO, LDR, etc... and am simply a paint by number type of builder. Could the difference in LDR be the cause of my dB reduction and limited oscillation? Thanks for any help you can offer. I also just saw a build sheet and it called for (1) 3mm Red LEDs and then (2) and (2) Red 5mm LEDs. For the LDR-LED, I used a 5mm blue. Thanks again.

hey how is everything?
Does anyone have a schematic of the Henretta Engineering Crimson mini tremolo?
And a question about the Sproing Deluxe Tremolo.
He is the Sproing (Boing J.Rocket) with which model of Tremolo?
I asked about Henretta Crimson because it's a simple circuit with an excellent sound, in addition to taking up very little space on the board, and for what I use, I don't need frequent adjustments.
But if anyone can tell me what the reference of this tremolo from the Sproing Deluxe Tremolo is... thank you.
I ended up using an orange diffused LED with the 5516 (recommended for the Pendulum). I covered it with electrical tape and it sounds fantastic not even being boxed up. Now I can sell two pedals and replace it with this one! Thanks for all of the wisdom folks.