Sweepable low pass filter pedal

I am a bass player who does a lot of Nerve-esque synth stuff, and I would like some sort of sweepable low pass filter, but cannot afford a moog. I am also somewhat new to the electronics and pedal making and modding thing. Could I take a volume pedal and just wire it to basically a tone pot with a very high value capacitor? And then to counter the volume reduction, also put in some sort of simple boost circuit that sweeps with it, ie more boost the lower the filter cut off frequency. Would this work in theory to get some sick dubby bass sounds?
I don't know anything about that, but I've recently got into messing with some synths, and I'm curious.

From some quick searching, it looks like there's some stuff based on the Korg MS-20 filter.

Looks like @DGWVI has built some with expression pedal input that might do what you're looking for:

I don't know anything about that, but I've recently got into messing with some synths, and I'm curious.

From some quick searching, it looks like there's some stuff based on the Korg MS-20 filter.

Looks like @DGWVI has built some with expression pedal input that might do what you're looking for:

This one has some quirks with the exp pedal that I'm not a fan of, but it can definitely do some dubby bass stuff. Here's the Designer's Page

@Passinwind might be able to assist with some ideas
Thanks all, I will investigate these options. Currently I am just using the dunlop mini bass wah to approximate it, so I am also going to see if maybe there is some way I can mod that to open up the low end so it just acts as a low pass instead of a band pass, but I am not sure if that is possible.
Murmors about madbean doing a microsynth a while back. Hopefully that'll be part of the revamp.

Yes to this. Want bad. Pretty please 🙏

Electric Druid FilterFX with an expression pedal can get you most of the way there
This is what I use. The lfo and selectable waveshapes are fun but I only use it in expression lpf mode. It's a lot of bells and whistles but it's the best diy expression filter I've found. I definitely agree that it would be nice to have a good lpf in it's own wah enclosure though.
Welcome to the PPCB forum, Ethan.

Check out DeadEndFX "TRESONATOR" — Korg MS-20 Filter in a Wah-shell.

Bill Laswell got some good dubby effects with a DOD 545 — I have the schematic, but know of no layout thus far…
Laswell's Trick:
— turn down the 545's sensitivity all the way down, the filter locks on to the highs leaving only the lows. When the sensitivity is rolled all the way down, the filter won't open and Range control has no affect. [WHAT IS RANGE? THE 545 HAS ATTACK AND PEAK]
The other thing you can do is roll the sensitivity back but just to the point where normal playing doesn't come close to opening the filter and really digging in gives that big pulse in the lows but doesn't open the filter all the way. You'll likely want a limiter/compressor but it can be a cool sound too. Laswell plays with flats, I think.
Lotsa people think he uses an FX25, for which you can get the PCB here. You should still be able to get close to Laswell's sound with a FX25.

The 545 is an Optical-based filter, like the Mutrons. The FX25's are OTA based, AFAIK. A clean booster in front, such as the microamp, can help.

If you're new to DIY pedal-building, I'd highly recommend building a simple boost or fuzz to wet your feet. Low parts-count makes trouble-shooting easier and then build increasingly more complex builds 'til you're confident in your abilities to fab up a filter with the mods you want.

Some great EQ, compressor, and pre-amps for bass in the PPCB Shop/Forums, not to mention modulation, overdrives and others...
Welcome to the PPCB forum, Ethan.

Check out DeadEndFX "TRESONATOR" — Korg MS-20 Filter in a Wah-shell.

Bill Laswell got some good dubby effects with a DOD 545 — I have the schematic, but know of no layout thus far…
Laswell's Trick:
— turn down the 545's sensitivity all the way down, the filter locks on to the highs leaving only the lows. When the sensitivity is rolled all the way down, the filter won't open and Range control has no affect. [WHAT IS RANGE? THE 545 HAS ATTACK AND PEAK]
The other thing you can do is roll the sensitivity back but just to the point where normal playing doesn't come close to opening the filter and really digging in gives that big pulse in the lows but doesn't open the filter all the way. You'll likely want a limiter/compressor but it can be a cool sound too. Laswell plays with flats, I think.
Lotsa people think he uses an FX25, for which you can get the PCB here. You should still be able to get close to Laswell's sound with a FX25.

The 545 is an Optical-based filter, like the Mutrons. The FX25's are OTA based, AFAIK. A clean booster in front, such as the microamp, can help.

If you're new to DIY pedal-building, I'd highly recommend building a simple boost or fuzz to wet your feet. Low parts-count makes trouble-shooting easier and then build increasingly more complex builds 'til you're confident in your abilities to fab up a filter with the mods you want.

Some great EQ, compressor, and pre-amps for bass in the PPCB Shop/Forums, not to mention modulation, overdrives and others...
The TRESONATOR definitely looks like a good option. And yeah, I have some simpler pedals that I am going to build first, then I want to do that ocelot octave OC2 clone and that unison double tracker. Thanks for the welcome!
I am a bass player who does a lot of Nerve-esque synth stuff, and I would like some sort of sweepable low pass filter, but cannot afford a moog. I am also somewhat new to the electronics and pedal making and modding thing. Could I take a volume pedal and just wire it to basically a tone pot with a very high value capacitor? And then to counter the volume reduction, also put in some sort of simple boost circuit that sweeps with it, ie more boost the lower the filter cut off frequency. Would this work in theory to get some sick dubby bass sounds?
Do you mean like a wah?