Thank you.


New member
I've worked in the electronics field for over 20 years and only now have been interested in building guitar pedals. I found a link to your site through I've ordered a couple boards from you already and have successfully built them.

I just want to say thank you for providing this service. The website is excellent, great build docs, and most of all, the boards are laid out BEAUTIFULLY! I've done pcb layout myself and have found myself evolving to a more artful layout which helps emphasize certain areas and make it easier to populate by hand. Whoever does your layouts here, you sir (or maam) are an inspiration and true artist. I love how symmetrical most layouts are. There's also a thought process about which enclosure these boards will go into... amazing.

Thanks again, that's all I wanted to say.
I agree and second the Thank YOU. Really clean layouts using some standard part positions for enclosures makes for nice, consistent builds. And it is then easy to order the predrilled enclosures from Tayda Electronics if you want to paint your own boxes, or just are not able to drill the holes consistently yourself.