Tried to reverse engineer these 2 pedals.

The problem with trying to reverse engineer (trace) a populated PCB based on photos alone is insufficient info to conduct a successful trace. With the PCB thus populated, one will miss any vias (if they exist) underneath components. A successful trace usually requires a hands-on with a DMM approach at the very least. There is not enough info in the photos to do such a trace

I know he stopped sending information when he figured out he would have had to unsolder the 9v input… it was a waste of time and money… he refunded a little bit back to me
I know he stopped sending information when he figured out he would have had to unsolder the 9v input… it was a waste of time and money… he refunded a little bit back to me
You paid him to send you pictures of the board?
You paid him to send you pictures of the board?
He was supposed to send pot values. I figured this was a small pcb it wouldn’t be brain surgery to figure out but he never gave pot values. But I was wonder if any other pedals had similar components
Hmm ...

If you had the entire circuit mapped out except for the pots...

Formulate pot values based on best guesses with some understanding of the rest of the circuit?

That'd be something for @Chuck D. Bones to guesstimate, not me.
I agree with Spi. I would guess that the single transistor pedal is based on an electra. I have built 3-knob drives based on the Electra!

The 1M and 2.2M resistor suggest to me that we're on the right track.
1m resistor looks like a pop resistor. 2.2m is between base and collector. Emitterbis straight to ground. Not sure what's connected to the collector from power, maybe the 4.7k because 220k seems too high, but hard to tell without seeing the bottom of the pcb.