
Alan W

Well-known member
Not sure if this is popular enough, and also imagine it is very dense. I bought it as a potential compressor, but end up having it set to very light compression, and swoon with the sweetness. There’s a bit of the Mercurial in this, at least how I use it. Am happy to lend my pedal out for tracing, send gut shots etc.
Upvote 3
Don't get me wrong, I don't have any problem with your thread. I just wanted to let you know that it's already been wishlisted :)
I opened mine after getting it, and promptly put the screws back in. But what a delightful little box! It was this pedal that made me realize that for me, the most useful equalization is a midband boost or cut where you can set your center freq.
Is the Cali76 this complicated inside? I hadn’t seen gutshots until now and boy howdy there goes any desire to build at least the unit76
No problems building this if no rare components. If it just fits into 1590bb maybe dual board?
It's up to maestro Robert only if this is worth the effort