Warscythe only passing audio in sequence (IN1, IN1+IN2, or IN1+IN2+IN3)


Active member
I feel like this is probably something really dumb, but my Warscythe has a (intermittent?) problem where it only seems to work if I activate the Scythe, or Scythe + Octave, or all 3. If I activate the Ungula or Octave parts alone or together (without Scythe) I get no signal.

I looked at the schematic but it's unclear to me how the incoming audio signal gets shuffled around depending which 3PDT switch is activated.

Where should I be looking? Seems like something is awry on the IN1 Scythe switch if there's no audio being passed along unless it's activated.

Gotta be a wonky connection because it was working fine yesterday. I tried tapping on different parts and banging the pedal on the floor but nothing changed.
