NSFW What's up with the buffers in cornish designs?

Fascinating. Tell me more...:unsure:

Three ideas immediately spring to mind:

1.) Add an internal, second volume on trimpot to The Pompeii so you can get a boosted Fuzz Face tone with no external pedals

2.) A Big Muff with internal Mids trimpots, selectable with the side effect so you can have a mix of the various Mids enhancement

3.) I’m working on a Silicon MK I Tonebender called the Space Invader, which will have a fixed wah circuit that can be switch in and out.
Oh noes, a shitty designer may not feel welcome in an online space wherein his shitty design was exposed for its shittiness!
My man, that’s half the problem. We’re shutting the door and attacking people on assumption before we understand the situation.

I think we both agree that blatant crookedness is something to be frowned on and it’d be great if commercial endeavours of all kinds had some rules around the “truths” they could sell you (the EU goes far already with this, albeit not in the pedal sector).

If I shut down every person selling a bad idea because I automatically label them a trickster, then I also block the people who are really trying. That’s not what I’d want for someone trying to grow and improve themselves.
Someone has to make a dual Splitter/Mixer pedal

It'd be trivially easy to repurpose this one I've been messing with recently:


Right now it has a TRS input for my banjo/dobro hybrid, magnetic pickup goes to a HPF/EQ/LPF box then returns to mixer, buffered piezo input from resonator goes straight to mixer. Everything is modular, so super easy to add a second buffer and send/return pair. Planning on doing one like that but with two sets of EQ in the same box too, but in something a little bigger then a 125B most likely. Running modulation and delay EFX on just the resonator side and then blending with the mag pup sounds insane, very sitar-ish.
That’s not what I’d want for someone trying to grow and improve themselves.
A - people trying to grow and improve themselves usually don’t, and certainly shouldn’t, enter new spaces with offputting arrogance and imagined grievances.

That’s a shortcut to getting (rightly) called out, fucking period.

B - people trying to grow and improve themselves are genuinely rare.

So rare, in fact, that if you see someone being douchey, you’re *way* more likely to have accurately assessed their character and constitution than to have mistaken their douchebaggery for “just a misunderstanding and they’re just trying to grow and improve themselves”.

And what is the upside to risking giving the benefit of the doubt to a snake oil salesman on the off chance he’s not aware his snake oil is bullshit? Even if he admits he was wrong, what are the chances he’s gonna change his business model and stop selling snake oil? Zero? Zero.

Big risk, no upside. No point taking that bet; I’d rather waste my luck trying to win the lottery than trying to convince bad designers to stop selling bad designs on the off chance that they happen to not also be bad people.

My man, that’s half the problem. We’re shutting the door and attacking people on assumption before we understand the situation.
C - what is there to “understand” about the situation, anyway? His arguments were about as inventive as his circuits, which is to say “not very”. We’ve all heard other versions of his grievances on DIYSB or FSB for literal decades at this point - same argument, different forum. Designers have jumped on those forums to complain that their circuits were traced, and they had their asses rightfully handed to them with the same arguments (and about the same level of grace).

The only person who didn’t “understand” the situation was 29Pedals dude, and that sure as hell isn’t our fault, it’s his.
Meanwhile, back in Cornwall ...

Can the Tillman Pre be configged as a buffer? Why yes, yes it can.


But can the Cornish Buffer be made into a preamp?

Enquiring cat wants to know...
…enter new spaces with off-putting arrogance…

We have no way of cross checking this because you were such an insistent, and fucking colossal, asshole to the guy that the thread was locked and removed.

The only thing anyone really remembers is what a belligerent shithead you were to the guy, judging by the 5 or so PMs I have from that time from members here saying as much.

…and imagined grievances.

I am not against the idea of tracing pedals, and I made as much clear to my guy when the Skeptical thread was up, but what fucking rainbows and unicorns La-La land do you live in where having your circuit traced is an imagine grievance?

You say you used to debate regularly in a formal setting, so let me ask you this: Did you ever win any slinging the same old tired bullshit with zero nuance?
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