NSFW What's up with the buffers in cornish designs?

Did literally anybody on this forum *ever* say this? Like, not even just in this thread, but *ever*?
The "how can I make money building pedals" threads pop up sporadically in the forums, yes. In fact, in this thread was a comment about someone aghast at pedal profit margins.

29Pedals.. 29Pedals.. 29P.. tweeennnntttyyy neeeiiinnnn
I think you mistake my point. 29P was used as an example because it's the most recent interaction. My point is more that before we start throwing faeces, let's let designers vent their natural defensive reactions to being traced and have a decent interaction. Perhaps these snake oil vendors don't know the oil they're vending. Ain't nobody pouring their heart and soul into the community after feeling hurt by being traced AND having a bunch of white knights jumping on them screaming M'Lady on behalf of the pedal buying public. (There are a bunch of scumbags out there for sure, but the smell of shit lingering over time definitely shows).

We can shut the borders, or try to understand our fellow human.
The "how can I make money building pedals" threads pop up sporadically in the forums, yes. In fact, in this thread was a comment about someone aghast at pedal profit margins.

Huh, gonna have to go back and look, didn't see such a comment and usually the sentiment round these parts is the opposite.

Particularly in those "how can I make money building pedals" threads, which are full of "you can't" replies.

I think you mistake my point. 29P was used as an example because it's the most recent interaction. My point is more that before we start throwing faeces, let's let designers vent their natural defensive reactions to being traced and have a decent interaction.

Nah, I don't see any value in having "decent interaction"s with shitty people. As scientific tests have shown, and has been validated by my decades on this earth, the likelihood that somebody actually changes their mind when presented with new and conflicting information is near nil, so why waste time trying to change a douchebag's mind when it's just as productive and way more fun to make fun of them for being a douchebag.

Perhaps these snake oil vendors don't know the oil they're vending.

Sufficiently advanced incompetence yadda yadda yadda. It's not and never will be an excuse.

Ain't nobody pouring their heart and soul into the community after feeling hurt by being traced AND having a bunch of white knights jumping on them screaming M'Lady on behalf of the pedal buying public.

Oh noes, a shitty designer may not feel welcome in an online space wherein his shitty design was exposed for its shittiness!

God I *wish* I had the kind of clout where I could chase dudes like him out of the industry. Never gonna happen in my lifetime though.

We can shut the borders, or try to understand our fellow human.

At this point in my life I understand my fellow human *just* fine (when you're a member of a marginalized group in a western society that devalues you for things you can't choose not to be, "understanding" your fellow human is a fucking survival skill - and it's *just* as good at sniffing out passive racism as it is at sniffing out douchebaggery in niche fields of interest like pedal building - it's the same sort of data, just with lower stakes).

That's why I'd rather call a douche a douche. I'm not doing competitive debate anymore, I don't owe anybody decorum or respect, and I harbor no illusion that you can somehow "respect" a douche into being a better person.
Huh, gonna have to go back and look, didn't see such a comment and usually the sentiment round these parts is the opposite.

Particularly in those "how can I make money building pedals" threads, which are full of "you can't" replies.

Nah, I don't see any value in having "decent interaction"s with shitty people. As scientific tests have shown, and has been validated by my decades on this earth, the likelihood that somebody actually changes their mind when presented with new and conflicting information is near nil, so why waste time trying to change a douchebag's mind when it's just as productive and way more fun to make fun of them for being a douchebag.

Sufficiently advanced incompetence yadda yadda yadda. It's not and never will be an excuse.

Oh noes, a shitty designer may not feel welcome in an online space wherein his shitty design was exposed for its shittiness!

God I *wish* I had the kind of clout where I could chase dudes like him out of the industry. Never gonna happen in my lifetime though.

At this point in my life I understand my fellow human *just* fine (when you're a member of a marginalized group in a western society that devalues you for things you can't choose not to be, "understanding" your fellow human is a fucking survival skill - and it's *just* as good at sniffing out passive racism as it is at sniffing out douchebaggery in niche fields of interest like pedal building - it's the same sort of data, just with lower stakes).

That's why I'd rather call a douche a douche. I'm not doing competitive debate anymore, I don't owe anybody decorum or respect, and I harbor no illusion that you can somehow "respect" a douche into being a better person.

You must be an AWESOME dinner guest.
At one point several years ago I had read enough hype about the Cornish buffer that I built one, thought it was pleasant and that’s been my go to standalone buffer.

Maybe we need a pcb with 3-4 buffer types selectable on a rotary switch. Maybe simple BJT (like TS), simple op amp (like Klon,m), Cornish, and JFET. And a toggle sw to bypass the buffers? Maybe just three circuits if that helps it fit in 125B.

Will they all sound very similar in most rigs? Yes but it shouldn’t be a challenging build and would give any who are interested a chance to compare, and we could have a thread where people share their findings. and then it’s still a useable buffer pedal once you’re done testing

I agree with idea of comparison (I love this sort of utility pedal!), but my immediate thought is:

Having a single PCB locks you in to those 4 buffers — but what if I don't want a Klon buffer in my comparison and want an AMZ Super Buffer instead to compare with my Cornishish, BJT, MOSFET and JFET buffers?

Most buffer PCBs themselves are small enough that you could take a rotary with 4, 6 or even 12 channels and just load up whatever 4, 6 or 12 buffers you want to stuff in a box to compare. Okay, 12 Buffers will likely need a 1590BB, but I bet you could stuff up to 6 buffers on PCBs or scraps of Vero/Perf into 1 1590N1.

My personal problem is I now want to build the pedal you describe (albeit individual PCB/Perf for each buffer), even though I know...
I should just breadboard a buncha buffers. 😸

Simmer down Keyboard Cowboy, lest newer forumites think you're a piano/organ/synth-playing keys-commando. Even though there's nothing wrong with keys through effects, still...

... Soviets just used a pencil.." Everyone would laugh about the smart simple solution. The actual point was that graphite shavings cause shorts and fire is not a fun thing in enclosed environments far from home.
Kursk come, Kursk seared ...

I'd posit that having ink from a faulty pen could be just as hazardous as graphite-shavings, but not so much so as ...

S P A C E - M A D N E S S...

I'm thinking — skip the rotary and just have a master-bypass stomper and all the buffers on toggles, in series, with multiple flip-flop order switches between them...

ALL ON, which sounds better:

Klon buffer > AMZ Super Buffer > Cornish > BJT > MOSFET > JFET buffers?


JFET > MOSFET > BJT > Cornish > AMZ > Klon?


BJT > Klon > AMZ > FET > Cornish > ADHD...


A veritable buffet of buffers!