That's going to be my next build, going to use a 1590bbs over a 125b enclosure and try to replicate the broadcast's look. Even got a label designed for it.
The Animal is one of my favourites - I don't use the boost bit so leave off those bits. As a straight overdrive without the boost it is brilliant. And recently I discovered the Marsh Fuzz. Absolutely outstanding sounding pedal. The fuzz/overdrive I have been looking for. The bias knob is interesting - I don't really use it for those gated sounds. I find it acts almost like a midrange punch kinda control. It's more useful as a tone control in this pedal than in most.
I also really like some of the reverbs I have built with the Spin thing. I don't really understand how it all works but that's the beauty of it - I don't have to. I intend to build the latest version shortly.