Missing Build Docs / Schematics

Cleric fuzz: Bottom is the rat. Middle is the muff. What the heck is the up position? Crazy cool but whaaaattt?! Also is the schematic available so I can understand the filters better?
Cleric fuzz: Bottom is the rat. Middle is the muff. What the heck is the up position? Crazy cool but whaaaattt?! Also is the schematic available so I can understand the filters better?
Bottom = Rat = variable low pass filter

Middle = Muff = a low pass filter and a high pass filter combined

Top = variable high pass filter

Basically a Muff tone control is a low-pass filter and a high-pass filter combined, so in the cleric the two filters are individually hooked to the on/on/on switch. It turns them both on in the middle, then only one or the other in the other two positions (a genuinely cool trick from JPTRFX that I haven’t seen elsewhere but would love to be better informed if I’m incorrect)

I love the high pass filter on the OG pedal (go-to mode of the three), it lets you tighten the bass and/or get *super* sharp and aggressive
Bottom = Rat = variable low pass filter

Middle = Muff = a low pass filter and a high pass filter combined

Top = variable high pass filter

Basically a Muff tone control is a low-pass filter and a high-pass filter combined, so in the cleric the two filters are individually hooked to the on/on/on switch. It turns them both on in the middle, then only one or the other in the other two positions (a genuinely cool trick from JPTRFX that I haven’t seen elsewhere but would love to be better informed if I’m incorrect)

I love the high pass filter on the OG pedal (go-to mode of the three), it lets you tighten the bass and/or get *super* sharp and aggressive
So cool. Thank you.
I've never seen an SPDT on/on/on switch TBH so I doubt it's that. Genuinely curious about the schematic bit of this, let's see how "soon" build docs will be available....

EDIT: Also, apparently it's top position muff, middle position muff with more mids, bottom position rat.
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I suppose it's entirely possible the youtubers are correct with regard to the particular unit they're demoing / describing.

The product description for these seem to be all over the place with very little to distinguish between the variations.
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