LED color for Clipping diodes


Active member
Working on a Parentheses V1 but this question could apply across the board. This design calls for a Red diode. I have a clear one. How much will it matter? Is red more or less of something over clear, or blue or green? Or multi colors?

I really want to use what I have on hand but I could steal from other projects
I agree with above. To elaborate, the clipping sound is determined in part by the forward voltage of the diode. GE diodes have a really low forward voltage (usually less than 0.5v), so they will clip sooner and sound more compressed than typical si diodes (usually between 0.5-1.0v). Leds have higher fv, as seen in this chart. That’s why it’s important to use the right color.


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Great info, thanks. Does this apply to on/off indicator led's or just clipping led's? I'm imaging the typical indicator doesn't see and audio signal
Right, you don’t really need to think about forward voltage with the indicators. I will say, I always experiment with the indicator LED resistor to decide how bright I want it because for my taste, the 4k7 called out by pedalpcb is too bright for a lot of LEDS.
That’s bizarre! Maybe start a troubleshooting thread with some pictures. That hasn’t occurred in any of my builds. Might need to up the 1M resistors to 2m2 as is standard in a turbo rat but I’m not 100% sure.
Haha got confused by reading the older bits of the thread. Make a troubleshooting thread, we’ll get it sorted.