Why aren't folks using better US made vintage germanium diodes?

Obviously there's SNL lineage, of course, but that clip is from The Blues Brothers.

Movie script written by Dan Aykroyd & John Landis; Aykroyd is one of the finest comedy writers of our time.

I recently came across this crossword clue:

Only person to have the #1 movie, #1 album and #1-rated late-night TV show all in the same week​

It took me a while to come up with Belushi. I was aware that there was music released associated with the movie, I had not been aware that the album preceded the film, or how how successful it was.
"This is the forum of one of the biggest guitar/bass pcb makers in the US and literally every person here has said that they have no interest. If that doesn't answer this question, only insanity follows trying to force the answer you want to hear."

I respect that.. which is why I dropped in.
*Presently* ( until they do (or don't) get interest or respect, if ever) ... These old diodes are more worthless than your bandolier of IN34 fakes..most people would throw these in the trash.. but I know quality when I see it.
( if that makes everyone feel better.) Yes they are crusty looking to some (cool to others) .They cost a fortune new (check out the WE price list) , and not for no reason (see the blowapart) . Whether that helps or hurts a pedal build is going to be decided when experimenters try them.. which is also why I dropped in. I've had these for years.. and I don't have an R&D big budget to do something with them myself.

But, some here do have interest. Hobbyists or business.. I am fine with either. Mission accomplished...I guess. I am sending a few samples off to people, so they can experiment for free. We'll see What they say.. private or public, I don't care. I agree, absolutely everybody here is entitled to ideas and opinions for sure.

PedalBuilder said, that I must know nothing...which is fair on compared to you guys on pedals, but *not for most anything else in vintage analog audio)* (including Germanium recording gear) when I mentioned using Shottkey's in place of Germaniums he said that showed my ignorance... OK I-- I'll accept that..... Now I see that's what the counterfeits are Schottkey .. so what the heck did PedalBuilder mean?
And now I read that you use them and even like them. and they have like no leakage... so they the fake-oids still work in your Germanium circuits? Or are you doing something else? what am I missing here?
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I recently came across this crossword clue:

Only person to have the #1 movie, #1 album and #1-rated late-night TV show all in the same week​

It took me a while to come up with Belushi. I was aware that there was music released associated with the movie, I had not been aware that the album preceded the film, or how how successful it was.
"Only person..." — Belushi!?! Bullshit! Aykroyd wrote the damn script and lot of the BB material for SNL.
Those #$%^& crossword ...ninnies. Yes Ninnies! 😹

It was Aykroyd who got Belushi into the blues in the first place.

This was a great story about how Dan got John into it:
alas the website is gone and I couldn't find the article in the Internet Archives. I wanted to re-read it 😿

Yeah, the movie kind of put the album in the shadows, even though IIRC it was the popularity of the album that spawned the movie.
how much is global shipping over the pacific ocean? shipping costs (for me) are often prohibitive.
I am never going to spend $40 to ship $10 worth of stuff. fuck that.

not gonna find any of that shit here in mad max land.
I checked with mu USPS postage service... I think I can do it man. You and maybe two other cats, who are brave, open minded or both.
If you want some of these WECo made "insanely well built, old-man diodes" .. PM your info, (need address and email for customs form)... will declare as gift/ commercial sample/ worthless -- so you should not be billed any duty or VAt (I hope) . as that is what they are. There will be a delay as I attempt to check them for FV match and leakage. And then shipping will be like 1~3 weeks to you.
How many to you need for your experiment? Will 6 or 7pcs do it?
I'm very confused about the entire point of this discussion. I'm not entirely convinced there's an understanding of how Ge diodes are used in circuits and what specifications, characteristics, or parameters are important for design considerations. It's impossible to look at a datasheet and say categorically that one device is "better" than any other. If that were the case, there would be one diode for every application because it was the best. Since there has been no practical application (at least that we know of), I'm having trouble finding an evidence base for these statements.

I'm taken aback by the assertions that this is all motivated by love of the devices and their untapped potential. How do you know that? They seem to have little to no use in your primary business and it doesn't seem like you have much, if any, experience with pedal-building. Out of the gate you said that pedals were the one field keeping Ge relevant. Ignorance to fundamental aspects of these devices (e.g., leakage current) undermine the statements attesting to the advantage of them. You've also characterized retail pedals (and DIY builds) as being boring because they use DO-7 glass case Ge diodes. It rather belies your arguments about the inherent advantages of the devices when you point at the aesthetics as a germane--and important--element of consideration.

Most people here are hobbyists that build for themselves. Many have grown tired of hyperbolic ad-speak that proclaims magic qualities to a circuit's components. Some like to paint by numbers, others like to tear things apart and see how they work, and others still like to build new things with knowledge they've gained while in this space. Many guitar pedals do things well outside the intended designs of the parts used. If you study audio processing or analog design, there will not be modules discussing how to create fuzz, distortion, and overdrive. Guitar pedal circuit designers exploit parts to achieve certain sounds. Just because a part was engineers to handle going to space doesn't mean that any additional benefit will be imparted to a guitar pedal--even if it is objectively a better engineered device.

This is an aside and maybe petty, but your economic analysis is bananas.
Whether that helps or hurts a pedal build is going to be decided when experimenters try them.. which is also why I dropped in. I've had these for years.. and I don't have an R&D big budget to do something with them myself.
here's an idea: if you're not a pedal builder yourself, commission someone here to build you a pedal with the diodes socketed (try something like a prince of tone, which allows you to switch between hard and soft clipping). Then you can do some experimentation on your own. Record something and share the clips.

Also, why do they cost $5-10 ea? If you could sell them for under $1 we'd probably not be having this discussion.
Although jcpst never made a burger before he is expecting ones with absolutely no leakage! Superdry compared with the boring cheap fake ones.

"Mmmm", he said forcefully, after the long chewing session needed from taking a single bite.
"This is delicious", jcpst said dryly.
I'm very confused about the entire point of this discussion. I'm not entirely convinced there's an understanding of how Ge diodes are used in circuits and what specifications, characteristics, or parameters are important for design considerations. It's impossible to look at a datasheet and say categorically that one device is "better" than any other. If that were the case, there would be one diode for every application because it was the best. Since there has been no practical application (at least that we know of), I'm having trouble finding an evidence base for these statements.

I'm taken aback by the assertions that this is all motivated by love of the devices and their untapped potential. How do you know that? They seem to have little to no use in your primary business and it doesn't seem like you have much, if any, experience with pedal-building. Out of the gate you said that pedals were the one field keeping Ge relevant. Ignorance to fundamental aspects of these devices (e.g., leakage current) undermine the statements attesting to the advantage of them. You've also characterized retail pedals (and DIY builds) as being boring because they use DO-7 glass case Ge diodes. It rather belies your arguments about the inherent advantages of the devices when you point at the aesthetics as a germane--and important--element of consideration.

Most people here are hobbyists that build for themselves. Many have grown tired of hyperbolic ad-speak that proclaims magic qualities to a circuit's components. Some like to paint by numbers, others like to tear things apart and see how they work, and others still like to build new things with knowledge they've gained while in this space. Many guitar pedals do things well outside the intended designs of the parts used. If you study audio processing or analog design, there will not be modules discussing how to create fuzz, distortion, and overdrive. Guitar pedal circuit designers exploit parts to achieve certain sounds. Just because a part was engineers to handle going to space doesn't mean that any additional benefit will be imparted to a guitar pedal--even if it is objectively a better engineered device.

This is an aside and maybe petty, but your economic analysis is bananas.

I don't want to bore, with a redundant rehash of everything pedalbuilder wrote, I know where he is coming from and I don't want to "be a hyperbolic asshole" like you guys think I may be. ((Which seems to be mostly what you are saying as well.))

So let me repeat the crux of things ... so that you guys can see that I understand what you're saying:
  1. You are saying that it's not about necessarily saving $15 in your Build – – it's more that you are 100% sure that the $.34 diode ( assuming you can actually get the non-fake ones, otherwise it's may be more like $1-$5 anyway)
  2. Maybe this isn't your statement, but it was someone else's up above,l, that you are 100% certain, that there is "no interest" that the cheap diodes sound better and are perfect for your applications, and that there couldn't possibly be anything else better, or even different, to be worthwhile spending a couple of extra bucks on. Anytime you say 100%, , this is a red flag, and in and of itself, a hyperbolic statement, and really puts you at risk of being wrong to some degree. (I hope somewhere in this unintentional debate, I didn't say that glass seals were 100% sucky. If I did ... I didn't mean that.)
  3. I really hate to harp on this – – but "the saying don't knock it till you try it" is popular for a reason. I really don't think you can generalize unless you have literally been out pulling frome vintage from equipment like I have been for decades. And for the record I didn't personally clip these out of circuit – – some WE dude did a long time ago because he thought they were "of value". Maybe that means something.
I believe the statement of that there is "no interest "has already been slightly proven wrong. I've had a couple of folks on here indicate they might like some samples to experiment. I'm going to do some leakage testing and send them some soon.

I'm not expecting people to rave about these or to say that they are the moon and stars necessarily. Especially considering the nature of diodes. However, I would still like someone to take a look at the blow apart diagram of the build and tell me these aren't substantially beefier/higher quality than a cheaper IN34.

I'm sorry you'll have to elaborate a little bit on your comment that my economics talk is bananas.

If you are talking about my comments about the cost of diodes, , then I would beg to differ. Basically, you guys are saying that a 30-cent roll of toilet paper is going to scratch your butt no more than a $1 roll of toilet paper; that just isn't true. I'm sorry, that's just counter to the fundamental nature of the universe.

If you guys can show me that cheap stuff is fundamentally better than more expensive stuff like even 60 or 70% of the time, then please do.
Saving money is a fine concept. You just have to be realistic about it.

It costs more to make a quality item, more materials, more labor, more guarantees, and more quality control. The only thing that changes that fundamental, is the hedonic treadmill, which is the idea that things improve every time (ie all cars now have power windows) . That's true to some extent but generally doesn't apply to labor or raw materials.

Rather I believe the point you guys are trying to make is that the laws of physics (or $ to value) as it were – – don't exactly apply to pedal building. Which believe it or not I completely understand!!

Believe it or not I often recommend to customers that they buy the $15 AB carbon comp pot instead of the $300 stepped Daven attenuator. I actually hate selling those because I don't think they're always a good value for for the overall sound.

It's true I don't build pedals – where gravity may not apply – but that doesn't mean I don't have a somewhat fundamental understanding of what has been useful to people over the years in vintage audio. I don't mean to scare you with a notion that paying more for something might get you something. But that is a very common occurrence in life. You've got to admit.
Hey guys. I am going to start a sit-down burger joint that makes super awesome burgers. I'm thinking of charging $300 a burger.

Anyone want to buy one and see how much better it is than your typical boring, cheap $10 one?
What's in your $300 hamburger? I bet you used better beef than FiveGuys (or insert whatever burger chain is in your area). .
This is not a sales pitch, this is a question.
That's sort of a cheap shot. I am not trying to sell these on here. I have tried (and continue to sell these on ebay). they have been sold, and no complaints. I just don't know how they have been used. They are also collectible, so interest is mixed.
I sell them for $22/5pcs you can go on ebay if you want.. and other people have them too, maybe cheaper..
Just so you guys know.
Buy all the 0.34 cent specials you want. Absolutely fine by me, truly.
here's an idea: if you're not a pedal builder yourself, commission someone here to build you a pedal with the diodes socketed (try something like a prince of tone, which allows you to switch between hard and soft clipping). Then you can do some experimentation on your own. Record something and share the clips.

Also, why do they cost $5-10 ea? If you could sell them for under $1 we'd probably not be having this discussion.
Thank you for the cordial and sensible suggestion. I have considered that plenty.... but I am on a tight budget, and don't won't to spend allot on a proof of concept, that may not work out. But, maybe if that is not too costly.. I will !!
I fugured since this is a hobby, that someone out there may want to do something (albiet non scentific) for some free ones... and in fact several of you have. I don't really care too much what the results are.. opinions will vary... but I do defend that these are non-age-withstanding ... "high quality diodes".
This is just the typical sales behavior of a door salesman. Inviting me to explain why I dont want to buy his better cheaper energydeal, and why I want to pay more.
You are the salesman here. So the effort must be yours, to prove your point. It is common here on the forum that you prove your point with a video.
Lol, you just don’t let up.
I did not mean that as an insult. Do you feel insecure using IN34s? I am honestly asking that... not to be insulting or to put you on the defense. I assume you love generic IN34's and that brand does not matter to you. OK. I am OK with that.