Affinity now offers 6 month free trials!

Alan W

Well-known member
For those of us that realy don't like software by subscription, Affinity is (currently) one of the few competing packages that offers an Adobe alternative. I'm still using A.I., but have been using Designer for a few years now also. If I were starting from scratch (been with A.I. since the Illustrator 88 version...) Designer would be a total no brainer to me. The photo and layout applications are also very wordy Adobe options.
I've been using Photo for ages now (I think someone around here turned me on to it) and I think I jumped on the others because I got a ridiculously cool deal. All three are way more than I need but super cool to have and actually "owning" software is a cool deal these days.
I switched to Affinity Designer and Photo a few years ago when I couldn’t install my ancient Adobe CS2(! 😬) stuff on my new computer. I’ve been pretty happy with it.

And I agree that it’s the most intuitive if you’re coming from Adobe stuff (tried to learn Inkscape but nothing worked the way I thought it should).

If you have an iPad and you don’t need all of the desktop features, you can save some money just buying the iOS versions.

I like having both. But I’ve definitely done pedal graphics layouts entirely on the iPad.