Fuzz suggestions


Hope everyone is great! I’m trying to grab a mean gritty doomy evil nasty fuzz PCB. I got the Silismile, Kewpie and Bellum fuzz MKII. All great pedals. The Kewpie is the clear winner, but want to grab a PCB that’ll sound even meaner than that. If that’s even possible. But if someone has a cool recommendation, I’d appreciate it! Take care everyone!
The Fuzzy Fox sounds pretty awesome to me (I have an original Keeley Wolff). Not sure if it’s your cup of tea, check it out!
Very nice! That is right up my ally! I’m not sure what transistors those are, as there is a revision. But, they look like a BC108 or close to that. And that is exactly what I’m looking for. Thanks!
I don't know shit about doom (unless we're talking MF DOOM) but I can confirm that the fuzzy fox, arkaim, and death cap are worth having around when you need to get nasty.
Sorry I’m late to report back, but thanks for all the suggestions! I really only wanted to get 1 PCB, but ended up getting 3! Haha. The fuzz fox, death cap and arkaim. So, I’ll have a busy week ahead of me. Can’t wait to build them! Thanks again guys!
I’ll throw in another vote for the Acapulco gold and the hyped fuzz. The Acapulco gold really surprised when I first plugged it in. Huge reward and sound for low parts count build. The hyped fuzz is a lot more work but is my favorite doom fuzz by far.
I’ll throw in another vote for the Acapulco gold and the hyped fuzz. The Acapulco gold really surprised when I first plugged it in. Huge reward and sound for low parts count build. The hyped fuzz is a lot more work but is my favorite doom fuzz by far.
After the 3 I just ordered, I’ll be a bit busy for a week haha. But, I’ll grab those after these builds. I’ve been throwing a treble boost in back of my kewpie fuzz, and if I keep all my tone knobs down to 0, even on my guitar, then run it through a humbucker, it sounds like pure gold! So, I’m pretty pumped to do the same on some of the fuzz’s I ordered. I’ll have quite a collection of fuzz pedals after this, which I can’t say is a bad problem to have.