DIY Direct Box?


Well-known member
Any kits/pcbs/guides available to make a nice direct box? Some models that have caught my eye:

-Warm Audio has a DI that switches between Active and Passive which is nice.

-The Fire-Eye Red Eye active box seems to have tackled variable input impedance pretty well (esp for piezo/transducers).

-Then there's the excellent Radial JDI passive DI, and I'd love to buy a Jensen transformer and make my own approximation.

Maybe this is more difficult than it seems? I'd think it would be pretty straightforward, at least for passive boxes.

Not sure if anyone here has done this or knows of any good resources. This is pretty far down the "to-do" list, but it just occurred to me over the weekend.
Any kits/pcbs/guides available to make a nice direct box? Some models that have caught my eye:

-Warm Audio has a DI that switches between Active and Passive which is nice.

-The Fire-Eye Red Eye active box seems to have tackled variable input impedance pretty well (esp for piezo/transducers).

-Then there's the excellent Radial JDI passive DI, and I'd love to buy a Jensen transformer and make my own approximation.

Maybe this is more difficult than it seems? I'd think it would be pretty straightforward, at least for passive boxes.

Not sure if anyone here has done this or knows of any good resources. This is pretty far down the "to-do" list, but it just occurred to me over the weekend.
Jensen has or at least had schematics for a few nice passive ones on their website, definitely comparable to the JDI. I may have copies if you can't readily find them.

I also made a very good sounding active one using a Creation Audio Labs Redeemer buffer coupled with a Jensen line level output transformer. 10 Meg input impedance and low enough current draw to make battery power quite workable. It worked fine in passive mode (bypassing the buffer) if fed by an active bass too, FWIW.
I'd add DIYRE to your list
Done! I'm not seeing an active DI, but there's still a LOT to peruse. Thanks.
I also made a very good sounding active one using a Creation Audio Labs Redeemer buffer coupled with a Jensen line level output transformer. 10 Meg input impedance and low enough current draw to make battery power quite workable. It worked fine in passive mode (bypassing the buffer) if fed by an active bass too, FWIW.
Ok, I'm very, very interested in this. Sounds like you made an Active/Passive DI which is exactly what I'd love to do, ideally. I'm still an "Intermediate Beginner" so whatever documentation of this you might have would be incredibly helpful. Awesome!
Done! I'm not seeing an active DI, but there's still a LOT to peruse. Thanks.

Ok, I'm very, very interested in this. Sounds like you made an Active/Passive DI which is exactly what I'd love to do, ideally. I'm still an "Intermediate Beginner" so whatever documentation of this you might have would be incredibly helpful. Awesome!
I'll have to wade through some stuff to find whatever I have, as I swapped computers recently. But it was a super simple build and I've been contemplating doing another one since I still have the buffer and a different Jensen trafo that might actually work even better. You could build your own buffer section for a lot less money than the Redeemer costs, in any case. The one that @JTEX posted on this forum not too long ago would be very cool for a DI front end as it has a few tone contour switches, but like many of my DIY designs it uses some SMD parts, which may not be ideal for where it sounds like you're currently at.
I built an active/passive DI/reamper from sound skulptor for 500 series, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you're already into 500 series
That looks very, very cool but I see what you mean - it probably makes more sense if you're already in that ecosystem already.
You could build your own buffer section for a lot less money than the Redeemer costs, in any case.
Heh, yep I'd love to not spend $50 just on the buffer section!
The one that @JTEX posted on this forum not too long ago would be very cool for a DI front end as it has a few tone contour switches, but like many of my DIY designs it uses some SMD parts, which may not be ideal for where it sounds like you're currently at.
I'll have to look for that. I haven't worked with SMD parts yet, but I'm not opposed to trying (and failing). If there are any reliable tutorials/methods for learning to do that the "right" way I'd be interested to check em out.
Done! I'm not seeing an active DI, but there's still a LOT to peruse. Thanks.

Ok, I'm very, very interested in this. Sounds like you made an Active/Passive DI which is exactly what I'd love to do, ideally. I'm still an "Intermediate Beginner" so whatever documentation of this you might have would be incredibly helpful. Awesome!
For starters, work through the various options here:

Jensen is primarily known for very minimally colored applications, which some people might call "sterile." This is exactly what I prefer in a DI, personally. There's been a strong trend in the bass DI world to including preamp features, speaker emulation, and so on, and/or sometimes taking a post-EQ feed at the amp or pedalboard rather than the classic old school paradigm of taking the feed right off the instrument, which I still greatly prefer in most cases. But hey, this is an EFX pedal forum, so I'd expect to be in a small minority, at best! ;)
Where might someone get more information about these magnetic offerings?
I don't have the Unagi Magnetics website set up yet, but you can pick transformers up together with a D.I. daughter board on the Conspiracy to Commit Electronics website here, just select "XLR DI w/ Transformer" from the dropdown.

I have a datasheet for the transformer that I put together, but I haven't formalized it and posted it anywhere yet.

I guess I should probably add that to the disclaimer on my signature, owner of Sushi Box FX, Conspiracy to Commit Electronics, and now also Unagi Magnetics.