Bass Klon

Erik S

Well-known member
I built this Kliche for a friend in March of 2023. It was the 7th pedal I finished, and it was before I had worked out a way to label the controls. At some point he dropped it back off and asked me to label it and put a name plate on it. This is the guy who designed my little ES logo and I had given him the klon as a thank you.

I wasn’t that excited about pulling it apart, so it sat here in a drawer for a long time. I got my first bass last week, and in my thread about that, @BuddytheReow suggested I try out the Chuck D. Bones bass mods for the klon circuit. My friend also has a kliche mini I made for him later, and he plays some bass, so I decided his klon would get the Chuck treatment.

I’m new to bass, and I haven’t tried any other bass overdrives, but I like the sound of this a lot. I A/B’d it with a stock Kliche, and the difference is huge. The stock one cuts too much bass to really be usable.

So, big thanks to @Chuck D. Bones for putting that mod together and sharing it. Once I return this one I’ll definitely be doing another for myself.

I built this Kliche for a friend in March of 2023. It was the 7th pedal I finished, and it was before I had worked out a way to label the controls. At some point he dropped it back off and asked me to label it and put a name plate on it. This is the guy who designed my little ES logo and I had given him the klon as a thank you.

I wasn’t that excited about pulling it apart, so it sat here in a drawer for a long time. I got my first bass last week, and in my thread about that, @BuddytheReow suggested I try out the Chuck D. Bones bass mods for the klon circuit. My friend also has a kliche mini I made for him later, and he plays some bass, so I decided his klon would get the Chuck treatment.

I’m new to bass, and I haven’t tried any other bass overdrives, but I like the sound of this a lot. I A/B’d it with a stock Kliche, and the difference is huge. The stock one cuts too much bass to really be usable.

So, big thanks to @Chuck D. Bones for putting that mod together and sharing it. Once I return this one I’ll definitely be doing another for myself.

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Cool. I still haven't gotten around to doing my first one, which will probably be the stock guitar config since that might work better for a more immediate use case. I "won" the board in an @fig giveaway a couple of years ago, but somehow doing my own designs always seems to come first.
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Great pedal & Report!

Right on target...

only klon/kliche I own is a chuck mod because the lack of low end bugged my ears. tight wok good sir.
Are you using it on bass or guitar? Your post made me realize I hadn't tried it on guitar, so I just gave it a shot.

It's heavy! but I don't think it's what I'm looking for on a standard tuned guitar.
quick question as it appears you used the dual pot - is there any real benefit to splitting the pot and doing 2x a100k pots?
quick question as it appears you used the dual pot - is there any real benefit to splitting the pot and doing 2x a100k pots?
I don't think I've ever seen anyone run two singles in place of a dual on a pedal. Interesting idea, but I'd need a pretty good sales pitch to convince me it was worth the effort of changing the layout and doing offboard wiring.
I've seen it done on Klones for bass-players where the bassification wasn't nearly as thorough, comprehensive and cohesive as Chuck's amalgamation of bass-mods. Like, just the input and output caps enlarged (maybe another mid-circuit) and then the split of the clean with the dirt.

I know of at least one guitar-klone that has the split pots because the owner wanted more control over how the gain rolls up and the amount of clean getting blended.

GuitarPCB's Klone, "MKC" goes so far as to give you the option of a set&forget amount of clean, which is ideal I guess for those that tweak a pedal to one great sound and then leave it there.

I'm not particularly fond of this website, but it always pops up something when you're looking for info; there's a few pros and cons listed here and I saw some other threads on TGP and a few other forums as well regarding splitting the DG to 2 separate pots... So hunt around, read up, decide if you want to try it or not.
Always pros and cons to anything.

Further thought.

Build the dual-gang as separate CONCENTRIC pots/knobs combination. That way if you decide you'd rather have just the stock one-knob to twirl you could desolder the concentric and not have to mess with filling/redrilling/new-graphics and/or new enclosure.

Know what I mean?
Ruaridh Breaker KNow What I mean?.jpeg
I'm just in love with that name plate. That s*** is kick ass. I love name plates for some reason I don't know what's wrong with me they just look and look cool as hell. Reminds me of back in the day when we made products in America and manufacturers were so proud of their product they put high quality name plate on the product