Wah heel bypass Idea


New member
I just finished putting together my Tear Jerker wah pedal. It sounds amazing!

I want to make a spring return bypass setup so when the spring pushes the heel all the way back it pushes a button to tell the PedalPCB Basic Relay Bypass (non-latching) to bypass the wah. And when the button is unpressed it engages the wah. Kinda like NickC's Tear Joker but without the extra switch. I was thinking of removing the 3pdt foot switch all together too.

Does this sound doable? Does anyone see any problems with trying this?

Using this as a normally closed button:
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Looking forward to seeing your implementation.

Hoping I can beg/borrow/steal it, too.

I've always hated that (most) wahs' have to go high (toe down) to engage them; I've always felt they should be "neutral" when engaging and return to neutral when disengaging them.

Here's another idea:

Employ a Hall-effect sensor for the switch, that way there's nothing physical that can get bent/broken/damaged.
Employ a Hall-effect sensor for the switch, that way there's nothing physical that can get bent/broken/damaged.

Or use a dual-gang pot where the additional gang generates a threshold voltage to trigger the relay at toe-up.

You could theoretically trigger switching at any point in the sweep of the treadle.

I wonder if a Z**X "probe" style copper plate under the rubber tread would work? (Not for the actual sweep, just to detect a foot on the treadle)
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Here's another idea:

Employ a Hall-effect sensor for the switch, that way there's nothing physical that can get bent/broken/damaged.
This lead me to find Reed Switches. I was racking my brain to find out how I was going to mount these mouse button switches because it looks like there's too much throw in the red buttons above. I guess I'll see what I can come up with between the 3 and send back what doesn't work. I like Robert's dual-gang and copper plate ideas too. I use a zprobe for my cnc but it's not obvious to me how to make that normally closed. I was going to wait for a sale (Valentines?)to get the Basic Relay board because there's other boards I got my eye on but I might just have to try this sooner rather than later.
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I'm trying to figure out how to mount the Relay Bypass pcb inside the wah case. It would be nice if the pcb had a screw hole.
It's not ideal but what if I taped the bottom and hot glued or JB weld the pcb to the side of the enclosure?
Or something like this? a 3d printer would be handy to make something like that.
Any Ideas on how to accomplish this?

also after some testing it looks like a reed switch might just work through the enclosure. I'm going to put the magnet in the heel and have the switch inside the enclosure
I should be getting my components for the Relay Bypass soon. I want to confirm my wiring is OK. I'm jumping r100 and the led and sending the power to the sw and gnd lugs then to the relay bypass. This seems cleaner than tapping the bottom of the board for power. I just want to be sure it won't fry anything.


also I got my reed switch working... for now, we'll see. It's kind finicky