Best place to order resistors?


Active member
I’m about to stock up on resistors and wondering the best place to purchase. The reason I ask is they seem way cheaper on Amazon vs Tayda, but I’ve read that Amazon resistors aren’t great. I went to Mouser and that seemed both expensive and limited. Is there a better place I haven’t looked?

For comparison, Amazon has a kit of like 5400 for $20 and the same order would be $80 on Tayda.
I’m about to stock up on resistors and wondering the best place to purchase. The reason I ask is they seem way cheaper on Amazon vs Tayda, but I’ve read that Amazon resistors aren’t great. I went to Mouser and that seemed both expensive and limited. Is there a better place I haven’t looked?

For comparison, Amazon has a kit of like 5400 for $20 and the same order would be $80 on Tayda.
I've bought some trash resistors from slamazon. Thinnest leads I've ever seen. I'm also in boycott mode with Jeffy though so I'm enthusiastically team tayda.
Looking on Tayda at diodes. It is a little overwhelming how many options there are. What are the most common ones for pedals?
I'm doing my best to reduce (eventually eliminate) beezosbucks spending. I've been thinking a living list of board-appropriate components from Mouser, DigiKey, Newark, etc. would be a nice bit of wiki/sticky space. (caps specifically)

Tayda is convenient, and thankfully parts-only fulfillment has been exceptionally quick for me. Their 1/4W resistor ordering is hassle-free. Caps ...not so much. It's getting better, but slowly.

the big suppliers are just intimidating at first, because there's just so much; so many filters.

Looking on Tayda at diodes. It is a little overwhelming how many options there are. What are the most common ones for pedals?
1N5817 (for almost all reverse polarity/current protection)
1N914 or 1N4148
BAT4x (41, 42, etc.) (these are mostly okay germanium subs, depending on the circuit)

Sometimes, 1n400x (mostly 4001)
Some projects call for Zener diodes at 9.1V

I think they're all sold out, but getting germanium diodes from there or ebay can be a gamble if not from the right sellers (most times they come back as un-labeled, amber 1N914 or other Schottky diodes (ask me how I know)). If you need a few here or there, hmu.

edit: heh, Figured as much:
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All Amazon resistors I've ever bought have been horribly out of spec.

1% tolerance ends up being more like 10-20%

Tayda's royal ohms are decent. Im personally a huge fan of Vishay and Yaego Koa Speer on mouser, but you'd definitely be spending more than with tayda.

The thicker leads make it worthwhile for me. Creature comforts.
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The problem with Amazon is that there is no vendor you can really trust, as others above noted, many are way out of spec and also many of the supposed metal film resistors are cheaper carbon resistors. Tayda is far more reliable, and their Royal Ohm resistors are in spec and qualify as decent resistors. And Mouser gives you absolutely rock solid A+ quality from top manufacturers.

Bottom line = you get what you pay for. And always remember that, especially when you're spending the painful time debugging a stompbox - that's when you don't want to have to ask yourself whether the problem is a faulty, out of spec &/or fake component. Time = money.
For 1/8 watt, I've been ordering these vishays
Or yageo
Theyre both 1% 400mW in 1/8W size
You can save some money by ordering off values, like 68.1k instead of 68k.
I have also ordered 3000 piece lots from AliExpress for ~$15. Never had an issue. The leads are thinner than vishays but it's nice to have the lesser used values on hand because you do run across odd ball values outside of the typical 32-40 usual suspects.
For not just pedals but for any kind of electronics work that requires through hole metal film resistors, the absolute best resistors I have sourced and now use exclusively are the "MFS" series 1/4w 1% metal film resistors from KOA Speer. I honestly surprised as in terms of quality and consistency they can't really get much better than KOA Speer. Mouser has every value you could think of for this part number series and if you buy a tape of 100 for a value they usually about $0.09 USD each. They are not the cheapest, but also you get what you pay for and ~$10 for 100 of something that I use a lot of and need consistency in, KOA Speer is what I use.

The leads on them are something like 0.024mm thick which is super chonky and about double what the Amazon leads are. I have regularly tested the resistors as I use them and the tolerances are dead on.

For a part that you might need to stock up such as resistors; KOA Speer MKS series from Mouser will not let you down

Pic shows a 1/4w KOA Speer 1% metal film on top and an Amazon job on the bottom
Here's the product code txt I made for ordering Visnay values at Digikey (the resistors you see in Musikding kits), including price for 50p or 100p. The more you buy the cheaper the individual resistors get, so I did't go lower than 50p, though yeah, this way I ended up with quite a few values (in the lower and upper range) that will likely last me a lifetime. Though these might be useful when I need to customize pot values and things like that. Only the labeled value for the Klein Bottle was an outlier from these 12/24 range series. I ordered them in four batches (all more than enough to get them shipped for free), so it didn't hurt to stock up like this over a few months.

I bought the SFR25 whenever possible, and MBA/SMA for the values that don't exist in this range. You could also simply only get SFR25 and it won't make a difference. I just like the look of the mix of light blue and mint green colored resistors on my boards.

Edit: sorry for the fucked up layout. The 50/100/200p at the end of each is how much I ordered. The tab jumps don't work in this format. I can't seem to find a way to add a .txt as an attachement? I'll edit my post after someone has helped me figure this out. :)

MBA/SMA Professional 50p 100p - SFR25 50p 100p

10 MBB02070C1009FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500001009FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 50p
12 MBB02070C1209FCT00 €7,99 - €11,25 N/A 50p
15 MBB02070C1509FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 N/A 50p
18 MBB02070C1809FCT00 €2,90 - €5,19 N/A 50p
22 MBB02070C2209FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500002209FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 50p
27 MBB02070C2709FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 N/A 50p
33 MBB02070C3309FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500003309FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 50p
39 MBB02070C3909FCT00 €5,51 - €7,99 SFR2500003909FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 50p
47 MBB02070C4709FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500004709FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 50p
56 MBB02070C5609FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 N/A 50p
68 MBB02070C6809FCT00 €7,99 - €11,25 SFR2500006809FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 50p
82 MBB02070C8209FCT00 €7,99 - €11,25 SFR2500008209FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 50p

100 MBB02070C1000FCT00 €2,90 - €5,19 SFR2500001000FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 50p
120 MBB02070C1200FCT00 €4,14 - €7,90 SFR2500001200FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 50p
150 MBB02070C1500FCT00 €4,14 - €7,90 SFR2500001500FR500 €3,01 - €4,37 50p
180 MBB02070C1800FCT00 €4,14 - €7,90 SFR2500001800FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 50p
220 MBB02070C2200FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500002200FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 50p
270 MBB02070C2700FCT00 €2,90 - €5,19 SFR2500002700FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 50p
330 MBB02070C3300FCT00 €4,14 - €7,90 SFR2500003300FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 50p
390 MBB02070C3900FCT00 €4,14 - €7,90 SFR2500003900FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 50p
470 MBB02070C4700FCT00 €4,14 - €7,90 SFR2500004700FR500 €3,01 - €4,24 50p
+511 MBB02070C5110FCT00 €4,14 - €7,90 SFR2500005110FR500 €3,01 - €4,24 50p (KLEIN BOTTLE)
560 MBB02070C5600FCT00 €4,14 - €7,90 SFR2500005600FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 50p
680 MBB02070C6800FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500006800FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 50p
820 MBB02070C8200FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 N/A 50p

1,0k MBB02070C1001FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500001001FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 200p
1,1k MBB02070C1101FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500001101FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
1,2k MBB02070C1201FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500001201FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
1,3k MBB02070C1301FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500001301FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
1,5k MBB02070C1501FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500001501FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
1,6k MBB02070C1601FCT00 €5,51 - €7,99 N/A 100p
1,8k MBB02070C1801FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 N/A 100p
2,0k MBB02070C2001FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500002001FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
2,2k MBB02070C2201FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500002201FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
2,4k MBB02070C2401FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500002401FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
2,7k MBB02070C2701FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 N/A 100p
3,0k MBB02070C3001FCT00 €7,99 - €11,25 N/A 100p
3,3k MBB02070C3301FCT00 €4,41 - €7,9 SFR2500003301FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
3,6k MBB02070C3601FCT00 €5,51 - €7,99 SFR2500003601FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
3,9k MBB02070C3901FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500003901FR500 €3,01 - €4,24 100p
4,3k MBB02070C4301FCT00 €7,99 - €11,25 N/A 100p
4,7k MBB02070C4701FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500004701FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
5,1k MBB02070C5101FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500005101FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
5,6k MBB02070C5601FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500005601FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
6,2k MBB02070C6201FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 N/A 100p
6,8k MBB02070C6801FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 N/A 100p
7,5k MBB02070C7501FCT00 €2,90 - €5,19 SFR2500007501FR500 €3,01 - €4,24 100p
8,2k MBB02070C8201FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500008201FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
9,1k MBB02070C9101FCT00 €5,51 - €7,99 SFR2500009101FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p

10k MBB02070C1002FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500001002FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 200p
11k MBB02070C1102FCT00 €2,90 - €5,19 SFR2500001102FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
12k MBB02070C1202FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500001202FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
13k MBB02070C1302FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500001302FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
15k MBB02070C1502FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500001502FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
16k MBB02070C1602FCT00 €7,99 - €11,25 N/A 100p
18k MBB02070C1802FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500001802FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
20k MBB02070C2002FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500002002FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
22k MBB02070C2202FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500002202FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
24k MBB02070C2402FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 N/A 100p
27k MBB02070C2702FCT00 €2,90 - €5,19 N/A 100p
30k MBB02070C3002FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500003002FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
33k MBB02070C3302FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500003302FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
36k MBB02070C3602FCT00 €5,51 - €7,99 SFR2500003602FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
39k MBB02070C3902FCT00 €2,90 - €5,19 SFR2500003902FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
43k MBB02070C4302FCT00 €5,51 - €7,75 N/A 100p
47k MBB02070C4702FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500004702FR500 €3,01 - €4,24 100p
51k MBB02070C5102FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 N/A 100p
56k MBB02070C5602FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500005602FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
62k MBB02070C6202FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500006202FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
75k MBB02070C7502FCT00 €2,90 - €5,19 SFR2500007502FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
82k MBB02070C8202FCT00 €2,90 - €5,19 SFR2500008202FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
91k MBB02070C9102FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 N/A 100p

100k MBB02070C1003FCT00 €4,41 - 7,90 SFR2500001003FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 200p
110k MBB02070C1103FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500001103FR500 €3,01 - €4,24 100p
120k MBB02070C1203FCT00 €2,90 - €5,19 SFR2500001203FR500 €3,01 - €4,37 100p
130k MBB02070C1303FCT00 €2,90 - €5,19 SFR2500001303FR500 €3,01 - €4,37 100p
150k MBB02070C1503FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500001503FR500 €3,01 - €4,24 100p
160k MBB02070C1603FCT00 UNSTOCKED: €0,14 N/A 100p
180k MBB02070C1803FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500001803FR500 €3,01 - €4,37 100p
200k MBB02070C2003FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500002003FR500 €3,01 - €4,24 100p
220k MBB02070C2203FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500002203FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
240k MBB02070C2403FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 N/A 100p
270k MBB02070C2703FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500002703FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
300k MBB02070C3003FCT00 €7,99 - €11,25 N/A 100p
330k MBB02070C3303FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500003303FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
360k MBB02070C3603FCT00 €7,99 - €11,25 N/A 100p
390k MBB02070C3903FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 N/A 100p
430k MBB02070C4303FCT00 €5,51 - €7,99 N/A 100p
470k MBB02070C4703FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500004703FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
510k MBB02070C5103FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500005103FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
560k MBB02070C5603FCT00 €5,51 - €7,99 N/A 100p
620k MBB02070C6203FCT00 €5,51 - €7,99 N/A 100p
680k MBB02070C6803FCT00 €2,90 - €5,19 SFR2500006803FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
750k MBB02070C7503FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500007503FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 100p
820k MBB02070C8203FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 N/A 100p
910k MBB02070C9103FCT00 €7,99 - €11,25 N/A 100p

1,0M MBB02070C1004FCT00 €4,41 - €7,90 SFR2500001004FR500 €4,37 - €6,15 200p
1,2M MBB02070C1204FCT00 €4,64 - €8,31 N/A 50p
1,5M MBB02070C1504FCT00 €3,05 - €5,46 SFR2500001504FR500 €5,02 - €7,05 50p
1,8M MBB02070C1804FCT00 €4,91 - €6,48 N/A 50p
*2,0 MBB02070C2004FCT00 €4,64 - €8,31 SFR2500002004FR500 €3,46 - €4,86 50p
2,2M MBB02070C2204FCT00 €4,64 - €8,31 N/A 50p
2,7M MBB02070C2704FCT00 €7,13 - €9,92 N/A 50p
3,3M MBB02070C3304FCT00 €4,64 - €8,31 N/A 50p
3,9M MBB02070C3904FCT00 €3,05 - €5,46 N/A 50p
4,7M MBB02070C4704FCT00 €3,05 - €5,46 N/A 50p
5,6M MBB02070C5604FCT00 €4,64 - €8,31 N/A 50p
6,8M MBB02070C6804FCT00 €4,64 - €8,31 N/A 50p
8,2M MBB02070C8204FCT00 €4,91 - €6,84 N/A 50p

10M MBB02070C1005FCT00 €4,64 - €8,31 SFR2500001005FR500 €3,46 - €4,86 100p
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When I started building pedals 3 years ago, I started with resistors/capacitors kits from Ama. Most were decently in spec. Never had an issue with any of them.

After the 1st pedal, I was beyond hooked. Now everything comes from SBP, Mouser, Tayda.
Bottom line = you get what you pay for.
This 💯… we have heard the phrase “garbage in, garbage out.” This absolutely applies to stomp boxes.. both component wise and our playing🤣 I would even go as far as to say Tayda would be about the lowest quality parts I would use personally. There are the occasional duds in there but they are pretty few and far between.
IMHO, the best resistor is a function of what you are after.

The standard fare Amazon metal film resistors are a great value. Other than I wish they had a little more diameter to their leads, they tend to be in a very tight tolerance to their stated value. Which is great when you are after precision designing / tweaking or build to build consistency.

For vintage amplifiers or pedals where carbon resistors are required to keep the mojo working, I use Antique Electronic Supply. Be aware that these are truly 10% or 20% tolerances, and are often higher resistance than marked.
I think Tayda has at least tried to up their game when it comes to certain components, so guides like Aion's are slightly out of date (though still helpful). In my (limited) experience, I've found Tayda's metal film resistors to be pretty excellent, especially when compared to those Amazon packs. The leads are certainly more substantial, too - maybe not as nice as Yageo, but I can't imagine you'd have any issues with them.