24AWG Flexible Solid Core


Well-known member
Is there such a thing as flexible 24AWG solid core wire that is insulated with something other than PVC? The PVC solid core I have is not flexible at all, but is easier to work with than stranded wire. I've done some searching and all I'm coming up with is PVC for insulation.
If cost is no object, you can get un-annealed silver wire, either bare, (so you can use silk or cotton sleeves) or with Teflon insulation. I’ve used this in audio equipment before, but wouldn’t consider it for anything guitar related.

On a more plausible level, the purer the copper in the wire, the softer it will generally be—but again, I don’t think it’s worth paying for, not for pedals.

If 24g is too stiff, 26g would be fine, certainly in the few inches lengths that are inside pedals. I used to use 22g (solid) in most pedals, and finally switched to 24. I go to 28g stranded for LED leads.
Now that's a great idea, because the tinned stranded is almost like solid core but with the benefit of a more flexible insulation. Nice!
It comes in different stranding too in 18g and 22g. I've never used 24g. But there's coarse stranding and fine stranding. Coarse being the least flexible. I have squatloads of 22g and 18g from tube amp building, so I just use 22g for pedals.
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