Aion PCB's

On a more important note - Hungry Jacks is indeed just Burger King, as when they first opened here in Australia (around 1972 I think) the name Burger King was already taken. MacDonalds didn't arrive util a few years later. I have only ever eaten at HJs (as it is widely known here) when either drunk at 1.00am or when on a job when dragged there by art directors who should have known better.

I have only once in my life eaten at MacDonalds - in Memphis Tennessee in 1988. It was the only place we could find and it was disgusting. I love a good hamburger but they don't make one!

As far as PCBs go I prefer PPCB but Aion is fine by me. Yes some aspects are possibly annoying but they work and that's all I really care about. They often have interesting mods. Who cares what colour they are?? Once it's all finished and in the box can you see it? Doesn't bother me. I don't really worry about the switch wearing out because it's unlikely to wear out with the number of times I'm likely to use it. I have lots of pedals but very few that get used regularly. I very much like Sheepy Love PCBs too.

And I am a heretic - I am Aussie but I like the All Blacks. They are an incredible force - another example of NZ performing way above their weight class.
On a more important note - Hungry Jacks is indeed just Burger King, as when they first opened here in Australia (around 1972 I think) the name Burger King was already taken. MacDonalds didn't arrive util a few years later. I have only ever eaten at HJs (as it is widely known here) when either drunk at 1.00am or when on a job when dragged there by art directors who should have known better.

I have only once in my life eaten at MacDonalds - in Memphis Tennessee in 1988. It was the only place we could find and it was disgusting. I love a good hamburger but they don't make one!

As far as PCBs go I prefer PPCB but Aion is fine by me. Yes some aspects are possibly annoying but they work and that's all I really care about. They often have interesting mods. Who cares what colour they are?? Once it's all finished and in the box can you see it? Doesn't bother me. I don't really worry about the switch wearing out because it's unlikely to wear out with the number of times I'm likely to use it. I have lots of pedals but very few that get used regularly. I very much like Sheepy Love PCBs too.

And I am a heretic - I am Aussie but I like the All Blacks. They are an incredible force - another example of NZ performing way above their weight class.
I just learned about Hungry Jack’s today. I love the whole idea. Much better that BK. Cheers to those Bruces’ Down Under…
I'm old enough to remember their ads when they first opened. "It takes two hands to handle a whopper 'cos the burgers are bigger at Hungry Jacks..." When I played football as a littley the coaches always had HJs vouchers to hand out to the "best players" every week. HJs have always been big on sponsoring footy.
I'm old enough to remember their ads when they first opened. "It takes two hands to handle a whopper 'cos the burgers are bigger at Hungry Jacks..." When I played football as a littley the coaches always had HJs vouchers to hand out to the "best players" every week. HJs have always been big on sponsoring footy.
I have a Macca's 200 metres from me.
Haven't bought a Burger from there close to 20 years!
I go to Hungry Jacks coz Max my dog likes the large Paddy as a treat!
Its usually 1.00am in the morning after I have been to Gig to see a Band.
Sometimes they give me bonus ones when I say it's for my Dog!
No question, Aion has some of the best documentation around.

My issue is that some of the projects offered here are new circuits, not vintage/classics, so I can't give you a lecture about what the designer was thinking or intending when designing the circuit because I don't know and I'm not just going to make stuff up to fill up the page.

The tracing journals are cool too, but personally I'd rather just go trace something else rather than document the whole process in detail.

Just to be clear, I like Kevin, I'm not bashing Aion in any way, I just don't have that much to talk about. :ROFLMAO:

My tracing journal would go like this:
I ordered the pedal.
The pedal finally arrived after many USPS delays.
I scraped away the goop, traced it, made a layout, verified it, now here is the PCB.
Build it.
At least Aion ain’t selling solderleas circuits…(and I get all my jfets from there, now that I think of it. They got great parts)…
Robert's layouts are basically works of art with how symetrical he manages to make them. Having the values on the board is nice for quick building a circuit, but having the reference numbers is really handy when you're experimenting with mods or tweaking thing.

I like Aion's boards a lot too. I think it's nice how convenient he's made them to build with the footswitch breakout board even if it'll be a pain in the ass when your alpha 3pdt fails at 30,001 presses. I think it would be even neater if the input/output jacks signal went to traces on the board so that you could use a 6 wire ribbon cable to hook the pcbs together instead of having so many dangling wires.
I really like the input output going to the top it just makes things so clean.
I agree. It's not always possible with LFOs and high gain circuits, sometimes those wires need to be as far away from the circuit as possible.
Makes me think of the duo phase though how many trouble shooting threads are because the inout wire runs right under the led (I know I made one). Could that be avoided by a trace on tbe board. I don’t k ow enough to know if it would make things worse. But moving the wire over the the electrolytics (maybe 1/2-3/4 inch solves it).
I’ll pretty much build anything. I have found that putting the values on the board negates the need to have my computer on and look back and forth between the card and a computer screen.
This got me thinking, (aside from everyone is entitled to their opinion.) but I don’t ever recall coming across someone saying they had a failed AION breakout board or footswitch on one. , just the fear of it happening, I get it, it’s a valid complaint but this DIY there are multiple ways to address this problem, I don’t get why everyone is so afraid to try and desolder or modify something. So willing to toss a whole pedal over one component. I don’t get.
3PDTs are about the hardest part of a pedal to desolder (I’ve done it, begrudgingly, and my success rate is not 100% in that department).

Since you can’t just replace the breakout board with another one (side note - is it possible to get a replacement breakout board for an AionFX project?), and/or you can’t just run leads from the main board straight to a 3PDT (see my earlier post about how essential chunks of the circuit live on the breakout board - chunks you’d need to float if you can’t get a replacement breakout board), it makes repairing an AionFX build more complex than it needs to be.
3PDTs are about the hardest part of a pedal to desolder (I’ve done it, begrudgingly, and my success rate is not 100% in that department).

Since you can’t just replace the breakout board with another one (side note - is it possible to get a replacement breakout board for an AionFX project?), and/or you can’t just run leads from the main board straight to a 3PDT (see my earlier post about how essential chunks of the circuit live on the breakout board - chunks you’d need to float if you can’t get a replacement breakout board), it makes repairing an AionFX build more complex than it needs to be.
Using a break out board should be an option. Typically I prefer to just wire the switch