Best metal PCB from pedal pcb?


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My friends kid plays in a band that does mostly rock and metal (Iron Maiden metal, not Deicide metal).

I'm building him a pedal for his kids birthday. Amy recommendations for a PCB?

Revv G4 or triple wreck.

I'm building the Revv G4 (on stripboard) and it sounds really good. I like the Triple Wreck, but the G4 has a large usable range of gain setting to play rock and metal. It's less boomy than the TW, but it has a versatile eq, too.
I also like the Tight Metal and its, noise gate is very useful, but I think it lacks a bit of low end or mid-low, indeed, I modified it a bit. It has just a tone control, so it's not very versatile. Anyway, it has a great tone.
I'm building the Revv G4 (on stripboard) and it sounds really good. I like the Triple Wreck, but the G4 has a large usable range of gain setting to play rock and metal. It's less boomy than the TW, but it has a versatile eq, too.
I also like the Tight Metal and its, noise gate is very useful, but I think it lacks a bit of low end or mid-low, indeed, I modified it a bit. It has just a tone control, so it's not very versatile. Anyway, it has a great tone.
I ran my G4 into the effects return, bypassing the preamp. There are so many different types of metal represented in this thread, I say one of each…I think I may have that already.
What amp is he using?
The Red Snapper/PCB-Red Herring is a nice pedal, will work for this with the dirt dimmed.
Disarray Distortion or Golden Falk for "classic" metal (Marshall in a box style.)
Face Melter for late-80's hair metal.

I'm planning to build all of the above, but can't comment yet on how they sound / still in progress.

Sanguine Distortion for "nu-metal" (which you already said is not his jam.)
Have you already got the CA3240EZ Dual op-amp for the face melter build? they seem to be sold out worldwide - if you haven't got it already what would you use in its place?>
Brown Betty is also pretty flexible. Not typical "metal" but can go heavy enough!
brown betty or thermonic deluxe. my reccomendations for the brown betty are to look at the thermonic deluxe and make the necessary component changes to the high gain channel. absolutely stonkin.
Have you already got the CA3240EZ Dual op-amp for the face melter build? they seem to be sold out worldwide - if you haven't got it already what would you use in its place?>

I pre-ordered one last year from Mouser knowing they wouldn't be available till February 2022, which was then still a long way away.

I figured I can wait till February 2022. but that date has come and gone. 🙃 Who knows how long it will take.

So assuming you have 5 other projects on the back burner, I'd just pre-order some from Mouser and work on other projects in the meantime.

EDIT: @jetfeeds I just got a Mouser update saying they're estimated to ship on April 19.
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