Building Shika fuzz on a generalist Muff Board


New member
As in the title - would it be possible to build the Shika fuzz on a multi-purpose Muff board like the PPCB muffin or the GuitarPCB one? If so are there any revisions that'd need to be made?

I'm asking because I was intending to build one, but Musikding just sold out that kit/PCB today and who knows how long ut could take them to restock it.
Yep, it's a straightforward 'Muff circuit.

You'd just need to translate the component values for the Shika to the Muffin BOM.
I'm asking because from what I'm seeing, the Hizumitas circuit isn't 1:1 identical to the stock muff circuit, it has a different part count so I'd need some advice in what exactly I need to sub with what, I'll create a draft BOM when I get home and post it here for approval, k?
Thanks! I compared your BOM to the original and I see that 4 1N4148 diodes, 1 1N5817 diode, R100 (100R) and C1 (100p, leading to ground right after the input) are missing, the clipping diodes bc I'm guessing they're all the same in the circuits, but what about the other parts?

Also I've noticed that the muffin PCB isn't available on Musikding either, so I'll have to use the GuitarPCB MUFF'n which looks the same, but also lacks the 100R capacitor near the input.