SOLVED Calamity calamity


Well-known member
So... I built the calamity fuzz with some questionably sourced j201s, I now forget where I got them. It sounded great until the other night I was playing my bass through a meatbox into a hogsfoot into a chopshop (pedalpcb smd j201 went in this one and it sounds fantastic) then the calamity. Sounded amazing for 10 minutes and then suddenly it sounds like trash. Can you blast a fuzz with low end to death or is it just funny timing? I didn't think that was possible. There's now very little gain or output.
Any chance you could have given it the wrong voltage power supply? We would need to see pictures of the board/wiring and solder side of the board to be able to offer anymore.
It's definitely a non isolated line straight from the gigrig distributor, though I don't see how that could be an issue. Noise perhaps but not destruction but my knowledge is admittedly... quite limited.
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