Hydra Delay


Well-known member
Here's the Hydra I built. First time soldering the FV-1 and I guess I did it right because it works! I really like it. Spent a good amount of time getting to know what it does when I finished it. Thanks for those who answered my questions on an earlier thread and encouraged me to try this one.

One thing though, it has a noticeable high end roll off when activated. I put a GE7 in front of it and was able to easily match the sound without the Hydra so I could always put those 2 in a loop if I wanted to. Also, I was told that trying to lower the values of C12 and/or C13 might lessen the hight end loss. C12 is 220p and C13 is 470p. What values might I try?

IMG_6469.JPG IMG_6468.JPG
I am updating this build report to give some information some might be useful for a future or past Hydra build. As mentioned above it was really sucking tone when I would use this. I know others said theirs had a little high end loss but mine was drastic. I don't know if it was something I did or didn't do in the original assembly...

I then used it in a loop with a GE-7 dialed in to make it sound more "transparent" and that was great. Then I wanted the GE 7 for something else.

So, today I took a suggestion that @Robert made about lowering C12 & C13. Based on what I had available I made C12 150p and C13 220p (original build doc values of 220p & 470p respectfully). Now the signal sounds pretty much sounds the same when activated. Yay!
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