I have an Effects Layouts Kentauride that I have finished but there is so sound in either bypass or effects. This is the first time I've had this specific issue; could someone tell me what is the first thing to do? (Photos included)
Bellow are links to the project and the build doc.
Interesting that you ask that. I don't think it's upside down. The numbers on it are matched up with the numbers on the main PCB. And the way I have it matches this photo from this previous successful build:
Another 2-in-1 from EffectsLayouts. This one is a TS10/Klon. For the Klon side I used old 1N34a diodes from stompboxparts.com. They measured a bit all over the place, but I did find two relatively close to the target Vf of .350V on my DCA55. Sounds great! The combination was obviously inspired...
However, I did have it upside down first. So I solder sucked all the solder off, removed it and re-soldered it in the correct orientation. Is it possible one of the pads got messed up? The continuity for on and off are correct though. Also, these footswitch PCBs are a tight fit compared to the PedalPCB ones.
I don't see any solder bridges on either side of the PCB for the input "S" & "T" pads or output "S" & "T" pads. The connections on the jacks seem ok. I think. I am getting continuity between the "T" pads and the jack tips and the "S" pads and the jack sleeves on both input and output..
Interesting that you ask that. I don't think it's upside down. The numbers on it are matched up with the numbers on the main PCB. And the way I have it matches this photo from this previous successful build:
Another 2-in-1 from EffectsLayouts. This one is a TS10/Klon. For the Klon side I used old 1N34a diodes from stompboxparts.com. They measured a bit all over the place, but I did find two relatively close to the target Vf of .350V on my DCA55. Sounds great! The combination was obviously inspired...
However, I did have it upside down first. So I solder sucked all the solder off, removed it and re-soldered it in the correct orientation. Is it possible one of the pads got messed up? The continuity for on and off are correct though. Also, these footswitch PCBs are a tight fit compared to the PedalPCB ones.
You may have o er heated the switch causing an internal short. In one position pins 1-4-7 should have continuity with the row below it, and the bottom row should have continuity with the middle row.
You may have o er heated the switch causing an internal short. In one position pins 1-4-7 should have continuity with the row below it, and the bottom row should have continuity with the middle row.
Looks like we're on to something. In the on position (LED is lit), there is continuity with the top row (1-4-7) and the row below (2-5-8). In bypass, there is continuity with the bottom row (3-6-9) and the row above (2-5-8), which I believe is normal.
BUT ALSO in bypass pins 7 & 8 have continuity. That's not normal, right?
And I don't know if this means anything but in bypass touching 4 & 5 makes the LED light up.
Looks like we're on to something. In the on position (LED is lit), there is continuity with the top row (1-4-7) and the row below (2-5-8). In bypass, there is continuity with the bottom row (3-6-9) and the row above (2-5-8), which I believe is normal.
BUT ALSO in bypass pins 7 & 8 have continuity. That's not normal, right?
And I don't know if this means anything but in bypass touching 4 & 5 makes the LED light up.
Yep, makes trouble shooting easier and removes extra variables. Every builder should have one. Mine came from jmkpcbs before I found this place. I had one for 10 years before that, but I needed something with an audio probe.
Also, I got the audio probe out and I am still not getting anything at R1. Getting signal at the IN pad. Since that is the first component in the schematic, there should be signal at R1, correct?