IN PROGRESS Lastgasp Art Laboratories Tone Mosaique

125B is no problem.

125B with expression input might be a little tricky, but I'll certainly see what I can do.
If nothing else, could add the pads with instructions to wire the exp pedal, or jumpers if the builder chooses to omit it.

Could also just leave it out entirely, and let the builder decide if they want to include it using the exp wiring on the Wiki

I've had no issue fitting the exp jacks next to the footswitch, but it does require modifying the jack housing (clipping off the lil bit at the end). It's snug, but works

Screenshot_20220809-140338.png aba09598-40a6-41a4-a916-080a6f8a5a7fphoto.jpeg

Also, I'd like to suggest Cracked Machine as the name for the project