Hey all, I know bits around this have already been asked but I’m struggling for a definitive answer.
I have just built a G2 kit from a popular and very helpful uk supplier. There was a bit of mucking about with the diodes and a couple of resistors around forward voltage but it’s built. The kit was supplied with Russian D9Ks.
On power up volume has to be a least 2/3s up to do anything and the gain all up or there is little to no sound. Through a clean amp it sounds ok but there is no where near the gain there should be. I would describe it as a bit crunchy.
I have heard of something called leakage current. I’m not very technical at all and don’t really get it all.
Are D9Ks generally leaky ? Is there an Ge alternative I should just be able to drop in ?
Bloody headache this diode thing.
I have just built a G2 kit from a popular and very helpful uk supplier. There was a bit of mucking about with the diodes and a couple of resistors around forward voltage but it’s built. The kit was supplied with Russian D9Ks.
On power up volume has to be a least 2/3s up to do anything and the gain all up or there is little to no sound. Through a clean amp it sounds ok but there is no where near the gain there should be. I would describe it as a bit crunchy.
I have heard of something called leakage current. I’m not very technical at all and don’t really get it all.
Are D9Ks generally leaky ? Is there an Ge alternative I should just be able to drop in ?
Bloody headache this diode thing.